Presented to the 99th Annual General Meeting

It has been a busy year for the committee as they continue to work towards revamping the education program within PIPSC for our stewards and members alike. It was announced last year at the AGM that work was being done to bring improvements to the training and education program and the committee has been working very hard to keep this moving forward.

The goals set for the committee for 2018 have all surrounded the revamp of our program and how we can keep moving this project forward. Some of the tasks the committee has worked on are:

  1. The committee has reviewed the methods each region has been using to select the participants for each training course and school offered.  The committee has developed a selection criterion for regional training based on these methods to ensure all stewards and members are selected fairly for training wherever they may be physically located.
  1. The committee has been reviewing the steward and training policies to determine what updates need to be made to both of these policies to reflect current practices in the Institute and to being it in line with the new training model. This work is continuing and will be sent to the Bylaws and Policy Committee and submitted to the Board of Directors for discussion and approval when completed.

With a lot of the nuts and bolts of the new training model taking shape the committee will start to turn its attention to the actual courses and the content.  With the changes in the Education section this may take a little longer than expected.  There are two new courses in development and the committee will be reviewing these this fall with the hopes of having them available for the spring regional training schools.  Please stay tuned for any new information.  Ideas and suggestions are always welcome.

The committee also spends some time at each meeting sharing the activities from each region and also sharing ideas for Steward Councils. We also review and discuss any special requests for training that is outside the normal regional offerings. All special requests should come to the committee for their approval.

I would like to thank the members of the Training and Education committee for their dedication and hard work this past year. The work of the committee depended on your commitment and you did not disappoint. The 2018 committee consisted of:

Peter MacDougall, BC/Yukon
Bobbie Eiswirth, Prairies/NWT
Peter Jozsa, Ontario
Robert Tellier, Quebec
Gordon Bulmer, NCR
Carolyn Hynes, Atlantic.

Staff Resources: Nancy Lamarche, Ivana Saula and Brigitte Jolin

Kimberley Skanes

Director, Atlantic Region

Chair, Training & Education Committee