May 17, 2017

CS Bytes 30

Fellow CS members,

As reported before, your CS Bargaining Team signed a tentative agreement on March 1, 2017 to complete this round of collective bargaining.

This CS Bytes is to remind you that voting is ongoing until May 24, 2017. If you have not received the email for voting with your personal ballot key, please contact Linda Rochefort at PIPSC at:, prior to the deadline, or by phone at: Telephone:(613)228-6310 / 1(800)267-0446 Ext.:4786

The top priority for this round of negotiations was to stop the employer from contracting out our functions. Along with this crucial issue, it was clear to the CS Group Executive that we would not be able to meet our objective to reduce contracting out without also addressing the issues of Technological Change and Training/Career Development. Improvements to these 3 articles became the pillars of this tentative agreement.

Finally, we have secured a general 6 per cent increase for all members over the life of the agreement. We will of course continue to push Treasury Board for further improvements in the next round of bargaining.

A majority vote in favour of the deal will result in the implementation of the negotiated terms and conditions of the tentative agreement within 120 days of signing.

A majority vote against the deal will signal the bargaining team to pursue further negotiation or conciliation. This may result in further improvements or the loss of some of these recent gains.

The CS Bargaining Team, in order to secure the employer-proposed and contingent economic increase, agreed to recommend that members vote in favour of the deal.

Proudly CS,

Robert Tellier
CS Group Bargaining Officer