1.1. Statement of Principles and Intent

The undersigned agree that the Labour-Management Consultation Committee (LMCC) is the
forum of choice for information sharing, consultation and co-development between
Management and Labour groups. We further agree that this Committee should be guided by
the Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada Guidelines for Labour-Management Consuka6on
Committees and any further directives established by the National Joint Council.

1.     Mandate
To encourage Labour/Management cooperation, respect and understanding through the
establishment of a formal consultation process between the Canadian Environmental
Assessment Agency (Management) and the employee representatives (Labour).

2.    Objectives
•    To encourage consultation, discussions and the exchange of information on policies,
programs, procedures and workplace issues as they apply to employees of the
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency.

*    To foster effective two-way communication and mutual understanding.
_   To communicate information regarding changes that may have an impact on
*    To identify and address concerns of employees and/or management.
_   To identify issues where co-development may result in a mutually acceptable

The Committee will operate in a cooperative atmosphere in which representatives on the
Committee or invited guests shall be protected against any loss of regular pay by reason of
attendance at meetings and be guaranteed that their individual relations with the Department
shall not be affected by action taken by them in their respective capacity.
Consultation involves information sharing but is primarily aimed at obtaining feedback,
advice, and suggestions on organizational policies or activities. The Committee will receive,
consider, address, and through consultation, resolve matters of common interest that relate to a workplace issue.

Consultation does not reduce the authority or legal right of either party.

Consultation is intrinsic to good labour/management relations and should occur at the planning stage and throughout the process.

3.     Jurisdiction of the Committee

All matters of mutual interest may be subject to consultation except:

(a) Those which could amend, add to or modify Acts, collective agreements, or
regulations governing Terms and Conditions of Employment; and
Cb) Those which relate specifically to an individual and/or group which are subject to a
grievance or other formal or informal dispute resolution process.

As impasses may occur during consultation, the committee shall jointly determine the
process to deal with these situations.

4.    Membership
The Committee will normally consist of the following:

4.1. Management Representatives
* The President, Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency;
* The Vice-President, Operations;
* The Vice-President, Policy Development;
* The Director General, Corporate Services;
* The Director, Human Resources Services; and
* Other Agency employees as required

4.2. Labour Representatives
Labour or Local presidents or designated representatives of the:
* Public Service Alliance of Canada, Union of Environmental Workers
* Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada
* Association of Canadian Financial Officers
* Canadian Associa6on of Professional Employees

4.3. Chair
The meetings will be chaired by the President. In the absence of the chair, Management and
Labour representatives may agree on an alternative chair.
The chair's responsibility is to moderate discussions on the items listed in the meeting
agenda. The chair will endeavour to provide to all members present the occasion to speak
freely, express their opinions and present their ideas in a climate of mutual respect and In a
cooperative spirit.

4.4. Secretary
A secretary, provided by Management will develop and distribute an agenda in both official
languages to all Committee members for each meeting and develop and maintain the
Committee's files. See article 7 below for more detail re: agenda items.
The secretary will take summary minutes of the proceedings and prepare a report of the
resolution of the items, including the decisions made, the actions required, the persons
involved and the target dates.
A draft summary of the minutes of the meeting will be forwarded in both of6cial languages
to the Labour and Management representatives for review as soon as possible after each
meeting (normally within two weeks). The minutes will be finalized and once approved by
the chair, will be distributed to Committee members and be made be available on the
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency intranet site. Copies of the minutes will be
retained on file as per employer policies.

4.5. Additional Participants
By mutual agreement, the Committee may invite other persons to attend meetings in order to
provide advice or information on a particular subject on the agenda. Normally, the other
party will be notified in advance.

5.    Training
If required and upon mutual consent, committee members shall have joint management union
related training to help them work together as an effective team, i.e. co-development,
consultation, facilitation, team work, etc.

6.    Frequency of meetings
The Consultation Committee meeting shall be scheduled on a bi-annual basis. By mutual
agreement, additional meetings may be held when necessary.

7.    Agenda items
Once the meeting date has been mutually agreed upon, the unions will be contacted at least
one month before the scheduled meeting   in order to provide them the opportunity to suggest
agenda items. Shun explanatory note should accompany each suggested agenda item so that
preparatory work can be done to make the meeting more productive. An informal gathering
prior to the meeting may replace explanatory notes. The recommended agenda items will be
mutually agreed upon before the agenda is of6cially set. Once the agenda items have been
of6cially set, they will normally be distributed to all committee members in both official
languages, no later than two week before the meeting. Once an item has been identi6ed as
an issue, it shall remain on the forward agenda until it is resolved.

8.     Review
These Terms of Reference will be reviewed at least every three years or when requested by
either party and any changes must be approved by both parties,