The Steward and the Grievor

You, as a Steward, will attend the complaint/grievance hearing as the Union representative. The member may attend the hearing as the grievor.

By taking a grievor with you, he or she is able to check the supervisor’s story as the case is presented and is able to testify on his/her own behalf if necessary. The grievor will also gain confidence in you and in PIPSC. When both the Steward and the grievor attend the hearing, it shows a united front to management.

When you are accompanied by the grievor, explain how you will handle the case and answer any questions the grievor may have before the hearing. This will avoid any disagreements during the presentation of the case. Don’t make any promises as to the outcome or settlement of the grievance.

On some occasions, it will be necessary for you to present the case by yourself. This typically occurs where the grievor and the supervisor are antagonistic or if the work force is spread out over a wide geographic area. If you present the case alone, report back to the grievor ASAP to inform him or her of the actions taken and the outcome. Be prepared to answer any questions the grievor may have.