Presented to the 99th Annual General Meeting

2018 Information Technology Services and Projects (ITSP) Committee Report to the AGM as of October 1, 2018.

17.11.2 Mandate The Information Technology Services and Projects Committee shall advise and make recommendations to the Board on Information Technology Services and Projects issues.

The new 2018 ITSP Committee of the Board held its first meeting on March 24, 2018 at the National Office in Ottawa. At our first meeting, we identified our top priority projects that the ITSP Committee would work on in collaboration with the PIPSC Informatics team. The ITSP Committee would like to welcome aboard the new Director of Informatics Mr. Allen Iverson. Mr. Iverson joined the Institute in February 2018 and brings along a vast knowledge of IT and project management experience and is a great addition to the Institute, Welcome Allen!

Some of our projects have been on the wish list of many PIPSC members for many years. These projects started in 2016 and helped lay the foundation and ground work for the 2017 and now the 2018 ITSP Committee to continue to work in collaboration with PIPSC Informatics staff. The Informatics group will be working hard on the new PIPSC Optimization Plan that was presented to the Board of Directors in September 2018 and approved by the Board. The ITSP Committee has held 2 further meetings on June 18, 2018 and September 18, 2018 and has one last one scheduled for December 3, 2018. We have been working on creating Do & Don’t for the G Suites usage and will be testing the new Cvent-Concur system in the future. We are looking forward to continuing to work in collaboration with the Institute & Informatics staff on all of our priority projects.

List of our top priority projects for the 2018 ITSP Committee:

  1. G Suite - Gmail email migration
  2. P-1 HTML – Changing the content of email messages
  3. Strategic Meetings Travel and Expense Management (SMTEM)
    • Testing Cvent – Concur (Travel/Claims application)
  1. Testing G Suites
    • Forms (Event registration L8 -2015)
    • Forms Surveys (alternative to Survey Monkey)
    • Do & Don’ts for G Suites usage
  1. ITSP Communication and Training Strategy
    • Reporting back to Regions
    • Regional Councils / Steward Councils
    • AC and WGC
    • User member education
  1. ITSP Logo and Informatics identification

The ITSP committee is one of the few committees that look at the actual services we provide to our membership and the staff of the Institute. As IT has changed over the years and as more business relies heavily on IM/IT services to succeed and to delivery on its services, it is more important now to have a solid IM/IT Strategy Plan and Optimization Plan. The hard work of the all the past ITSP Committees has lead us to this year, as the Chair in 2016 and 2017 I have brought a different approach for the ITSP Committee. We have been working in a collaboration approach and working together (Better Together) with the PIPSC Informatics staff by assisting them on the research and testing of the various priority projects like the Google Collaboration, Gmail and now the new Strategic Meetings Travel and Expense Management (SMTEM) CVENT-Concur claims system. The ITSP Committee has played a role as reviewer on some of the requirement documents for the projects last year and will make the recommendations to the Board if required and are ready for any motions that the Boards sends to the ITSP Committee.

The ITSP Committee has a balance of 3 returning members and 3 new members for 2018. I personally would like to thank the 2018 ITSP Committee members, Karim Chaggani, Todd McCoy, Dean Corda, Kimberley Toms, Hugo Landry and Jason Rioux, also the ITSP friend of the Committee Rob Wloch, thank you all for your support. I would also like to say thank you Linda Gauthier our ITSP staff resource, Allen Iverson and to all of the PIPSC Informatics staff. I would also like to thank Andrew Gize and Dennis Britt from Corporate Services for the support and collaboration with the ongoing Cvent-Concur project.

In Solidarity,

Greg Scriver

ITSP Committee Chair
NCR Regional Director
Board of Directors