2018 Resolutions - Policy Non-Budgetary

P-1 Gifts and Prizes for Recognition, Contests and Events - Policy on Constituent Body Finances, Appendix B

Sponsor: Board of Directors | Disposition:  Split
P1-A Defeated

Be it resolved that the following policy change be adopted:




Door Prizes and Gifts Contest Prizes’

Up to $100 per prize/gift, up to $500, total, per event


P-1B Carried

Be it resolved that the following policy change be adopted:






GIFT - A gift has to be given voluntarily, and generally would be to recognize a special occasion such as the retirement of a member or PIPSC staff member, the departure from a constituent body executive or it could be used for a gift for a guest speaker

$100 up to $250 per gift


P-2 Gifts and Prizes for Recognition, Contests and Events - Policy on Board of Directors - Section 12 - Retirement and Departure Gifts

Sponsor: Board of Directors | Disposition:  Withdrawn

Be it resolved that the following policy change be adopted:

If the a Board member wishes to recognize the departure or retirement of a Board member or PIPSC staff member, the maximum amount of that gift shall be $100 $500 and would come out of that Board member’s hospitality expenses.

Resolutions Sub-Committee Comments: No comment

P-3 PIPSC Financial Statements

Sponsor: Ontario Regional Council | Disposition:  Withdrawn

 Whereas PIPSC currently has an Operating Fund, Strike Fund, and Bargaining Fund combined in one Financial Statement and a separate Building Fund statement; and

Whereas it is difficult for the ordinary member to gain an overall understanding of PIPSC’s financial position and the position of the individual Funds; and

Whereas it is important that members be able to easily gain an understanding of the true financial picture of PIPSC;

Be it resolved that the PIPSC Financial Statements show the Operating Fund, Strike Fund, Bargaining Fund and Building Fund separately and show a consolidated total.

Resolutions Sub-Committee Comments: The external auditors are of the opinion that doing combined financial statements with the Building Trust is not recommended on the basis that they are separate legal entities with a different Board, different fiscal year-end and that it would not provide additional information to the users/readers. For the other funds, the members can have a similar view by looking at the Statement of Changes in Net Assets in the PIPSC audited financial statements. Members are welcome to ask questions on the financial statements through the portal at any time. 

P-4 Order of Resolutions at AGMs

Sponsor: Québec Regional Council (f) | Disposition:  WITHDRAWN

 Whereas the AGM is an important body of the Institute;

Whereas it is important to maintain the current length and frequency of the AGMs to both limit costs and stay in touch with the realities faced by the Institute;

Whereas Constituent Bodies are made up of many members;

Whereas Constituent Bodies are an important part of the Institute’s structure;

Whereas AGMs are attended by several hundred delegates; and

Whereas the approval of motions at the AGM is subject to procedures;

Be it resolved that the resolutions submitted by individuals at the AGM be presented in the order they are received by the Resolutions Sub-Committee, just before the Late Resolutions.

Resolutions Sub-Committee Comments: No comment

P-5 Promoting Union Values in Hiring Processes

Sponsor: Québec Regional Council (f) | Disposition:  Out of Order

Whereas our union represents more than 50,000 members;

Whereas the labour movement has been facing all-out assaults for years;

Whereas each work environment requires adherence to specific missions and values;

Whereas the values of the labour movement are substantially different than the values that can be found in other work environments; and

Whereas the Institute’s values are attainable and well known, and include respect, integrity, cooperation and accountability;

Be it resolved that the Institute’s hiring processes include a thorough, systematic assessment of the applicants’ adherence to our organization’s union values;

Be it further resolved that adherence to these union values be a top priority in the assessment of the applications received.

Resolutions Sub-Committee Comments : PIPSC’s hiring practices and processes involve identifying applicants with the most merit, which includes promoting union values. In assessing merit, PIPSC takes various factors into consideration, including experience, aptitude, language skills and the ability to work in a union environment.

P-6 Self-Identification Process

Sponsor: RE Group | Disposition:  Referred to the Board of Directors

Whereas the Institute endorses the principle of employment equity; and

Whereas we do not currently have a quantitative mechanism in place to assess equity group participation within our volunteer positions; and

Whereas collecting data through self-identification could enable the Institute to better understand both its current state of equity group participation, and trends in that participation over time,

Be it resolved that the Institute put in place a voluntary self-identification process for Stewards and executives to identify as belonging to the equity groups defined by the Employment Equity Act, as well as the addition of a non-binary gender option, age group, dependents and LGBTQ2+ identity; and

Be it further resolved that techniques to protect the confidentiality of small populations of persons be appropriately applied.

Resolutions Sub-Committee Comments: The first steps on this will be taken by surveying the delegates to the 2018 AGM. Following an evaluation of this effort, steps will be taken to expand the survey to all Stewards and members of constituent body executives. Appropriate measures are being taken to safeguard the data from inappropriate disclosure and misuse.

P-7 Progressive Discipline

Sponsor: Atlantic Regional Executive | Disposition:  Referred to the Board of Directors

Whereas the Institute does currently have a Dispute Resolution and Discipline policy, and

Whereas the Institute currently does not have policy or guidelines concerning progressive discipline, and

Whereas the Institute's Panel of Peers in the interest of fairness and natural justice must have a set policy or guidelines to follow when recommending discipline;

Be it resolved that the Institute develop a guidelines document for Progressive Discipline to be used by the Panel of Peers.   

Be it further resolved that a Progressive Discipline Chart be developed to provide guidance on the type of discipline to be administered based on the type of misconduct.

Resolutions Sub-Committee Comments: Panel of Peers members receive annual training that includes progressive discipline. Moreover, a disciplinary chart covering all discipline imposed is referenced when panel of peers meet to discuss discipline that will be imposed in any given case. The purpose of referencing the disciplinary chart is to be consistent with the concept of progressive discipline. In considering the appropriate disciplinary sanctions, panel of peers consider the specific facts of the case before them and need to avoid having their hands tied by a guideline. Discipline needs to be fluid and corrective, not punitive and a guideline with a prescriptive discipline chart could be considered by a third party on appeal to be arbitrary. Finally, the Institute has consistently been opposed to our members' employers’ use of discipline charts for these reasons.

P-8 Electronic Voting on Resolutions

Sponsor: Katie Oppen | Disposition:  Referred to the Board of Directors

Whereas only delegates physically present at the PIPSC Annual General Meeting are currently eligible to vote on resolutions; and

Whereas the text of those resolutions is available to all members via the virtual binder ahead of the AGM; and

Whereas member engagement could be further improved by inviting more direct participation in the decision-making process affecting all members; and

Whereas modern electronic voting systems can be secure and accessible; and

Whereas other PIPSC elections, such as those for the National Executive, are held virtually by electronic means;

Be it resolved that PIPSC investigate electronic voting on resolutions that is not limited to delegates physically present at the national PIPSC AGM; and

Be it further resolved that PIPSC report on its findings at the 2019 National Annual General Meeting. 

Resolutions Sub-Committee Comments: Unspecified cost would be incurred to broadcast the AGM for delegates not physically present and to provide a remote voting mechanism.

P-9 Gender Parity

Sponsor: Katie Oppen | Disposition:  Referred to the Board of Directors

Whereas women are under-represented in position of influence in government, business and academia; and

Whereas PIPSC strives to represent their members in a fair and equitable manner;

Be it resolved that the Board of Directors, the National and Regional Executives, the Committees of the Board and the Executives of constituent bodies (Branches, Groups, Sub-Groups, Councils), strive to achieve gender parity on those committees and boards.

Resolutions Sub-Committee Comments: No comment

P-10 Including Minority Voices

Sponsor: Katie Oppen | Disposition:  Referred to the Board of Directors

Whereas majority rule is not the fully democratic; and

Whereas PIPSC policies support the value of diversity and inclusion; and

Whereas most decisions at PIPSC constituent bodies, Councils, Boards, and committees are made by majority rule; and

Whereas PIPSC is committed to seeking new and innovative ideas for improvement; and

Whereas minority voices often express ideas different from the status quo,

Be it resolved that PIPSC investigate mechanisms to include and value minority voices in its democratic processes, including meetings of committees, constituent bodies, Councils and Boards. 

Resolutions Sub-Committee Comments:  No comment

P-11 Indexed Fees

Sponsor: Katie Oppen | Disposition:  Referred to the Board of Directors

Whereas most other major unions have adopted an indexed fee schedule; and

Whereas PIPSC and other unions are leaders in social change for the betterment of their members and of Canadians; and

Whereas a demonstration of new policy can be effective in supporting similar changes on a larger scale;

Be it resolved that PIPSC do its part to reduce income inequality by putting in place indexed membership fees so that members with lower income pay slightly lower fees and members with higher income pay slightly higher fees.

Resolutions Sub-Committee Comments: No guidelines provided. Work would be needed to study a percentage based dues structure. Implementation would not be possible without approval of the AGM of a new dues structure, in accordance with BL 14.2.2.

P-12 Travel Policy – Accommodations

Sponsor: Katie Oppen | Disposition:  Referred to the Board of Directors

Whereas PIPSC needs to focus its human and financial resources on the very serious challenges facing our members at this time; and

Whereas increasing membership fees to cover additional costs is not favoured by the membership of PIPSC;

Be it resolved that PIPSC review the travel policy with a view to reducing costs for meetings including the national AGM, constituent bodies, committees and councils;

Be it further resolved that PIPSC review its policy on serving alcohol at PIPSC functions to reduce any risks associated with driving under the influence of alcohol after attending a PIPSC event. 

Resolutions Sub-Committee Comments:  No comment