Meeting Minutes 

Thursday, April 9, 2020 

Zoom Videoconference 

Present: Jennie Esnard, Chair 

Samah Henein, Prairies – NWT 

Din Kamaldin, Ontario Region 

Charlotte Young, NCR 

Dotty Kelland, Atlantic 

Richard Gaboton, Education Officer 

Shelby Woodman, Staff Support 

Sylvie Guenette, Observer 

Regrets: Tracy Thornton, BC - Yukon Region 

Sonia Richard, Québec 

1. Call to order 

The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. via Zoom videoconference. 

2. Introductions 

J. Esnard introduced herself, and shared a little about her background and interests.  She thanked the committee members for volunteering to be a part of the committee.  The committee members also introduced themselves, and shared about their  background and experiences related to union activities and Human Rights. 

3. Approval of the Agenda 

The agenda was approved as presented. Due to Covid-19, the chair provided the  committee with an update in regards to in person meetings for the time being.  

It was requested that significant dates and/or observances be sent to the chair in order  to have a posting on the website to recognize the dates. 

R. Gaboton moved the agenda, S. Henein seconded it – all in favour. 

4. Portfolio Assignments/Representation on external committees & Working Group 

It was recommended that the committee be spread out in order to have representation  on all CLC committees, as well as National committees outside of the CLC. The  committee members are encouraged to sit on a committee, and bring back any of the  initiatives that may arise from the meetings.  

It was also suggested that additional committee members be trained with the CLC at a  higher level. It would benefit all committee members, as reports and experiences can  be shared. It would also show PIPSC participation at a higher level. 

The HRDC requires further visibility, being a part of external committees and working  groups is very important. A list of external committees and working groups will be  shared with the committee, and it was requested that the members send a note to the  chair advising of their interests. 

There was a discussion in regards to transparency within the committee, and the  importance of the committee’s role and goals. 

Action: J. Esnard to send S. Woodman a list of various committees requiring  representation on external committees, and working groups. S. Woodman to  share it with the committee. 

5. Members who have or are dealing with invisible disabilities 

S. Woodman read a slide that was shared with the committee in regards to invisible  disabilities, which stressed the importance of never judging a book by its cover. 

6. Roundtable 


There was a suggestion that the PIPSC Human Rights & Diversity course be revised.  There was a discussion in regards to the need of additional facilitators for member  and/or steward training. 

S. Henein offered to share the CLC petitions with S. Woodman, who can then share  them with the committee. 


It was suggested the Employment Equity Act revise the definitions and clarify each of  the groups. The data is marginalized, and does not reflect the proper statistics.

Education Officer 

It was mentioned that he was able to obtain a copy of the CLC Human Rights training  that was offered last summer, and when the time comes, it will be adapted for PIPSC  members. 

Due to Covid-19, Labor Notes is not able to host the conference. Instead, they are  holding a digital conference which offers online workshops at no cost.  

Action: S. Woodman to share the link for the Labor Note 2020 Digital Conference. 

7. Next Meeting Date 

It was suggested that the next meeting date be scheduled in early May 2020. 

8. Adjournment 

The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.