Date: Thursday, October 27, 2022

Location: Big Rig Restaurant - Ottawa

In Attendance: Bruce Buchardt, Brian Busby, James Armstrong, Patrick McIver, Daryl Boychuk, Louise Lepore, Andra Weis, Audrey Wojcik, Jasen Spry, Lin Bian

Absent (with Regrets): Earle Loftman

Special Guest(s): Sean O’Reilly (PIPSC), Dan Quinn (HQ Region, AFS Representative)



Topic and Discussion


Call to Order and Welcome

Bruce Buchardt announced quorum and called the meeting to order at 6:43pm.


Bruce Buchardt




Approval of Agenda Items

Patrick McIver sent all executive members a draft copy of the meeting agenda items. Bruce Buchardt asked if any members of the executive would like to add or remove any item(s) from the draft agenda. One item added to the circulated draft agenda was a “Round Table” item, whereby members could raise items for discussion not covered in the other items.


James Armstrong put the motion to approve the revised draft agenda, seconded by Jasen Spry. Motion carried.





Bruce Buchardt




Minutes from Prior Meeting

The draft copy of the minutes from the July 7, 2022 executive meeting was distributed to the executive by e-mail on July 15, 2022. No changes were suggested the initial draft of the meetings. A second copy was distributed to members with the draft agenda for this meeting. No changes were suggested.


James Armstrong put forth the motion to approve the minutes from the July 7, 2022 executive meeting, seconded by Audrey Wojcik. Motion carried.





Patrick McIver



Topic and Discussion













Representative - Remarks

Sean O’Reilly, VP of PIPSC was invited to attend the meeting. Sean was appointed by PIPSC to act as a facilitator to the Subgroup executive, as the majority of its members are new to their position. Sean discussed various topics of interest to the executive, such as what the “raisin d’être” of the subgroup is, member engagement, functions and conduct of the executive, subgroup financing, and training that is available to subgroup executives.


Sean also discussed the current collective bargaining environment, and a recent settlement another union reached with the federal government.


Sean recommended executive members read PIPSC’s policies, “Policy on Constituent Body Allocations”, and “Policy on Accessing PIPSC General Funds.”


Sean thanked the executive for becoming involved in PIPSC.


Bruce Buchardt advised the executive he would look into the Subgroup executive member training Sean referred to in his remarks, and report back to the Subgroup executive at the next meeting with the details, timing, etc.











Sean O’Reilly


Headquarters Region AFS Representative - Remarks

Dan Quinn was invited to attend the meeting as the Headquarters Region AFS representative.


Dan gave a brief update on the current status of the collective bargaining negotiations AFS is entering into with the CRA. Bargaining demands have been exchanged and will be posted onto the PIPSC website once they are translated.




Dan Quinn




Finance Report from Treasurer

James Armstrong sent out a financial update/income statement for the current calendar year (2022). Only expenditure incurred this year was the cost of the executive meeting in July.


Also informed the executive that signing authority over the subgroup’s bank account has been finalized with PIPSC and its financial institution.




James Armstrong



Topic and Discussion









Agenda item put forth by Patrick McIver. Concerned raised over who is, and is not, an AFS HQ Subgroup member.

Membership list obtained from PIPSC Member Services and discrepancies identified. For instance, is a member who reports to Headquarters but lives outside the NCR, a member of the Subgroup?


Dan Quinn and Sean O’Reilly explained this is a concern for PIPSC, especially in light of the pandemic and the ongoing shift towards hybrid work. PIPSC/AFS are exploring this issue as it has a broader impact than just on the HQ Subgroup.


No further action to be take on this item.







Patrick McIver





The PIPSC Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be taking place from November 18-19, 2023 in Montreal.


Delegates representing the HQ Subgroup are: Bruce Buchardt, Brian Busby, James Armstrong, Pat McIver, Andra Weis, Lin Bian, and Audrey Wojcik.


Dan Quinn will also be attending.




Bruce Buchardt



Bruce Buchardt gave an update on the steward status of each executive member. Not all new executive members have completed their steward training but many have.


Bruce Buchardt



Topic and Discussion























Round Table

Louise Lepore - Wanted to know when the HQ Subgroup executive contact page on the PIPSC website will be updated. Bruce Buchardt said he and Patrick McIver were still working on getting the correct names of the executive members updated on the site following the June 2022 AGM.


Louise Lepore - Inquired as to the leave allowances that can be claimed by executive members when on union business.

Audrey Wojcik offered to talk with Louise about this and share results with the rest of the executive.


Louise Lepore - Asked that the next executive meeting be held virtually. Found current meeting place was busy, loud, and not conducive to conducting a meeting with a larger group of people. Discussion held. Motion put forth by Louise. Seconded by Andra Weis. Vote held. Motion defeated.


Lin Bian - Asked how often the Subgroup executive should be meeting. Sean O’Reilly spoke to this and advised that while it varied between subgroups, he believed 4-6 meetings per year was probably the right amount.


Lin Bian - Asked what is permissible/not permissible in terms   of executive members claiming reimbursement from the Subgroup for personal expenses incurred when conducting union business (e.g. home internet, cellular phone, etc.). Sean O’Reilly advised that there was nothing explicit against it, but reminded executive members that they are accountable to their Subgroup members, and must be able to explain it and justify   it to the members at the Subgroup AGM.


Bruce Buchardt - Asked that each executive member come up with two ideas on how the Subgroup can increase engagement of Subgroup members. Asked that these ideas be sent to him and to Patrick McIver by Nov 18-19 for future discussion by   the Subgroup executive on what specific actions it can take to increase engagement.


Bruce Buchardt - Proposed that the next Subgroup executive meeting would be held in November in Montreal and held sometime during the PIPSC AGM, since there were members of the Subgroup executive who were attending it. Discussion held. Bruce withdrew the suggestion as some members expressed concern that the meeting would be held at a time and place when not every Subgroup executive was available to attend.



Close of Meeting

Bruce Buchardt made the motion to close the meeting. No objections. Meeting closed at 8:48pm.


Bruce Buchardt