We have participated (as a guest) to Treasury Board Secretary (TBS) Chief Information Office (CIO) IT Generics suite Refresh for the CS Group Classification, soon to go through IT reclassification – Process for conversion is supposed to start around Dec 1st, 2020. It will be a ongoing project from now to the next couple of years.

During my term as classification officer, with the help of VP P. Touchette,  there was only one formal meeting between PIPSC Labor Relation and Classification Section in February 2018 (and neither I or VP P. Touchette attended) The content at that meeting was Group Definition, Norm and the New IT Classification Standard that will replace the Computer Systems (CS) Administration Classification Standard (1985).

Discussions are happening between The Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer (OCHRO), TBS and departments meanwhile, for a Job Evaluation Standard (IT).

We have no official notice of an amended timeline, with the date of Dec 2019 from our current Collective agreement being the date TB intends on bringing in the classification.

We will work to get whatever information we can on the process, be it through meetings, contacting appropriate representatives in TB and via our PIPSC classification section as well, as we have been doing.

CS Group Classification Officer

Karim Chaggani