Atlantic Regional Training Committee Meeting Minutes - March 23, 2018

Date: March 23, 2018

Location: Delta Brunswick, Moncton, NB

In attendance:


  • Carolyn Hynes


  • Cathy Hebert
  • Mike Pauley
  • Kim Skanes
  • Phil Wilson


  • Catherine Pinks - Recording Secretary


  • Manny Costain

Carolyn called the meeting of the Atlantic Regional Training Committee to order at 1:00 pm.

1) Approval of the Agenda

The following items were added to the agenda:  New Business b. Special Training Request

Motion #1: Cathy moved and Mike seconded that the Agenda be approved as amended.

2) a.  Approval of Minutes of January 26, 2018

Motion #2: Phil moved and Mike seconded that the minutes of January 26, 2017, be approved as presented.

2) b. Action Items

Carolyn reviewed the Action Items.

Action Items Generated by the Atlantic Regional Training Committee
from the January 27, 2018, meeting at the Delta Beauséjour, Moncton, NB

Item/Completion Deadline

Create a listing of unionized properties in Halifax with appropriate space for a Training School and regular Training.

Send Phil the required materials for the Training Committee representative on the February Basic.
DONE C. Hebert attended

Get back to Catherine on whether she will record a video clip welcome for the school.
DONE -  No Video

Discuss with Debi her attendance at the Steward Council at the next board meeting.

Book Neville McKay for Steward Council.

Work with the ERO’s to source a presenter for Friday afternoon session at the Steward Council.

Speak with Paul to request ERO’s develop session on Harassment for Saturday afternoon at Steward Council.

Ask Max to review Cheat Sheet on Accommodation in the workplace considering recent changes in New Brunswick.

Kim and Catherine
Review the email to the Group Presidents asking them if they want to hold a breakout at Steward Council to make sure it is clear what the billing instructions are.

Ensure that breaks and meals are not billed back to the Groups.

Phil and Catherine
Draft skit and deck for What Happened to My Meeting.

BF draft skit and deck for March Training Committee meeting.

Come up with a list of training needs for the NB Groups.

3) Calendar of Events

Carolyn reviewed the Calendar of Events noting there are no major changes to events in the region at this time.

4) Training Committee Chairperson and Training and Education Committee Report

Carolyn tabled the Training Committee Chairpersons report.  

Motion #3:
Carolyn moved and Cathy seconded that Training Committee
Chairperson's report, be approved as presented.

Catherine inquired if there are changes being proposed to the PIPSC Training Policy, specifically the number of participants per course. Kim stated they are looking at the policy as part of the training overhaul.

Carolyn tabled the Training and Education Committee (TEC) report.  

Motion #4:
Carolyn moved and Mike seconded that Training and Education
Committee report, be approved as presented.

5) Lunch and Learns

Carolyn reported an increase in Lunch and Learn requests. She noted that she is having trouble getting people to send in the post Lunch and Learn evaluation.

6) Atlantic Steward Update Report

Carolyn tabled the Atlantic Steward Update report pointing out that there are currently 17 Stewards in Waiting in Atlantic who would be eligible for the September Basic course.

7) Steward Training

In relation to the Basic Steward Training which took place in February, Carolyn referred participants to the compiled venue evaluation for review.   Overall the evaluations indicated participants were pleased with the venue.

The Training Committee Representative’s Report from the February Basic Steward Training was reviewed and it indicated the course was a successful mix of new and seasoned stewards.

Finally Carolyn referred the participants to the Compiled Course Evaluations which also indicated participants found the facilitators and course material beneficial.

For the September Basic Training, Carolyn will be the Training Committee representative and Mike will be the back-up.

8) Atlantic Regional Steward Council

The Steward Council agenda was reviewed noting the Saturday closing keynote contract has been finalized. Still to be determined is the speaker for Friday on Harassment. It was suggested we may wish to look at the NS Barrister’s society for a possible speaker. 

It was decided that there would be a Halloween theme for the Saturday evening Hospitality event. 

ACTION: Catherine to include a “bring your costume” in the Steward Council online registration notice.

ACTION: Carolyn get a prize to sell tickets on for the Steward Council fundraiser.

ACTION: Catherine source a charity to receive a donation of funds raised at Steward Council.

ACTION: Catherine obtain a quote from Fundy Textiles on Thank a Union its Friday T-Shirts.

ACTION: Catherine obtain a quote from Fundy Textiles on mitts or gloves in red fleece with the Atlantic Logo.

9) Regional Training School

The agenda for the April Regional Training School was reviewed and no changes were required. It was agreed Manny would make the opening comments in Kim’s absence. Hospitality will be held Thursday 4:30 pm – 7:30pm; Friday 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm and Saturday 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm.

10) Atlantic Regional Council

What Happened to my Meeting. Phil gave an overview of the presentation prepared for the 75th ARC. Modifications to the skit were proposed and accepted. 

Mike suggested we test drive the working group exercise that will form part of the presentation at the ARC. Following a dry run of the exercise, it was noted we will have to be flexible on the timelines. Some groups my take longer than others and if so it was suggested we move the plenary after the health break.

ACTION: Catherine include the workshop instructions at the top of the workshop handouts.

ACTION: Catherine revise What Happened to my Meeting skit and send out to committee for review.

ACTION: Training Committee review deck for What Happened to my Meeting and send any changes to Phil.

11) New Business

  1. Steward Renewals: Carolyn reported that at the February 23rd TEC meeting Linda Martel, Manager, Membership and Administration gave a presentation on the Steward Renewal process. Carolyn provided some background reporting the steward renewal process is onerous. The initial renewal notice is sent out, then reminders, personal phone call and a final email. It is expected that the current renewal process won’t be of any value with the new Training program.  

    Discussion ensued on what a modified renewal process could look like.  Mike suggested that the renewals go to the Group and Sub Group presidents only and not to the individuals. Carolyn suggested a renewal process where you simply opt in or opt out.

    Committee members were encouraged to send any suggestions or ideas to Carolyn.

    ACTION: Training Committee members send Carolyn any suggestions they have regarding the Steward Renewal process.

  2. Special Training Request: Carolyn explained she has received a request for a new Steward to receive Basic Training before September 2018 session scheduled in Atlantic. The request is for the Steward to attend the NCR Basic session in June. The member is available on the June dates and willing to travel to the NCR. Following a thorough discussion it was decided the Steward would be better served by taking their Basic training in Atlantic. The difference in the scheduling of the sessions is a little over two months and they are summer months when in general things are quiet.

    ACTION: Carolyn to respond to the Steward indicating they should register for Basic Training in the region.

12) Round Table and Adjournment

Following a round table the meeting was adjourned.

ACTION: Catherine send the Balancing Union Activity and Family Life Policy handout to the February Basic Training participants.

Motion #5: Mike moved and Cathy seconded that the Regional Training Committee meeting be adjourned.