To:  BC/Yukon Region Executive Members (Branches, Groups and Sub-Groups)

From: R. MacDonald, Director, BC/Yukon Region

Re:  On-Line Tools for Executive Members

On behalf of the BC/Yukon Region, I would like to thank you for your time, effort and commitment to our members.  The work done by executive members at all levels of the organization is greatly appreciated.   Branches, Groups and Sub-Groups all play a critical role in mandate of PIPSC and the implementation of our Regional programs.

Over the past several months we have started to create and assemble on-line tools to assist and streamline the efforts of constituent bodies.  Hopefully these tools will make your role easier and save time. 

These on-line tools can be found at the BC/Yukon Region web page: .

Here you will find a listing of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) from new executive members; Karen Hall’s popular ‘Finding Funding for Your Union Event’ matrix; and, a new Region Planning Calendar that includes key deadlines and events for all constituent bodies to follow each year:

Please let us know if you have any feedback on the existing tools or suggestions for additional on-line tools.  

Finally, let us know if you need any help in performing your important role as executive members in the BC/Yukon Region.



Robert K. MacDonald, B.A., MRM


Director, BC/Yukon Region