Meeting Minutes
December 13, 2016 à 5:30 pm
Black Tomato, George Street, Ottawa

Present :
Steve Anderson
Christian Baillargeon
Jean Boulet
Manuel Cruz
Nick Schonning
Dong Xiao    


1.    Greetings
The President, Steve Anderson, called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm.

2.    Approval of agenda
a.    Motion to approve made by Christian
b.    Second by Nick
Motion approved

3.    Review and adoption of past minutes
a.    The minutes were reviewed and updated with changes provided by the executive.
b.    Minutes to be adopted.
i.    June 2, 2016        Approved by all
ii.    June 22, 2016        Approved by all
iii.    August 17, 2016        Approved by all
iv.    September 13, 2016    Approved by all
v.    October 5, 2016        Approved by all

4.    Business
a.    Holiday spirit event
i.    Coffee and donuts to be held in the lobby JETN on the morning of December 15 with proposed spending of up to $ 200.
1.    Proposition was made to try and reach out to PIPSC members only when possible.
2.    Moved by Nick and second by Manuel
ii.    A meet your executive and drop by proposal was made to have members visit our work area and grab a treat.   Jean Edmonds.
1.    Treat can be simply candy cane or other treat that can be left at room temperature.
2.    We will try to get PIPSC to send an email to IRCC members.
3.    Nick to draft an email.
4.    Steve to provide email/contact address T PIPSC.
5.    An overall budget was proposed
iii.    Meet and drop for Crémazie.
1.    Contact is Patrice
2.    Need to find out if they are available and can do the event.
3.    Proposed budget of $ 40.
iv.    Proposed budget for the meet your executive is $ 100 for Jean Edmonds and $ 40 for Crémazie excluding travel.
v.    Approved by all.

b.    Budget summary
i.    We may get about $ 500 back from different events paid by other means.
ii.    Purchase of Chapter Banner is roughly $ 600
iii.    Leftover from executive holiday meeting/dinner.

5.    Future events

a.    Pizza lunch in February.
i.    PIPSC’ presence would be nice.
ii.    Possibility to combine with the AGM.
b.    Larger summer event as a family/co-event. Promo items for distribution during the Holiday.

6.    Roundtable

a.    IRCC newsletter should be published  quarterly
i.    Mid-April
ii.    Mid-June July and every 2-3 months.
iii.    Dates still in the works.
iv.    Translation turnaround is about 4 weeks.
v.    Content for the first 2017 need to be provided by end of March
vi.    Proposal was made for the each executive member to submit an article, union or social related.
b.    Effort will be made to try and book the 6 meetings for 2017.

7.    Next meeting in January 2017, date TBD, to close the first year and start a new one.

8.    Adjournment.
a.    Motion to adjourn made by Manuel
b.    Second by Nick.
c.    Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.