Your 2019 Federal Election Toolkit

Fellow members,

On October 21, 2019 Canadians will go to the polls and set the country’s course for the next four years. PIPSC is a non-partisan organization and will not be endorsing one political party over another. Yet, we know that the decisions made by the political party in power can have direct and potentially harmful impacts on our lives as employees and union members.

With that in mind, we have developed this online Election Toolkit that will help you make an informed choice in electing a government that will protect public services and respect the people who provide them.

 In this Toolkit, you’ll find:

In addition, in the weeks ahead we will be publishing the results of our survey asking the four main federal political parties about their positions on public services.

This election is important. Get involved and make a difference. Use your vote to protect public services.

Better Together!

Debi Daviau,
President, PIPSC