FAQs on President Jennifer Carr’s leave

PIPSC President Jennifer Carr has been on leave since April 10, 2024. Vice-President Eva Henshaw is acting President in her place. Continuing to provide high-quality services for our members remains a top priority. 

PIPSC is committed to due process and procedural fairness and is bound by the rules that protect those principles, including confidentiality, which applies to all parties. Nevertheless, we recognize that you may have questions and want to be as transparent as possible, where possible. 

The following addresses some of the frequently asked questions we have received.

I heard President Jennifer Carr is on leave. Is this true?

Yes. Jennifer Carr has been on leave since the evening of April 10, 2024. Vice-President Eva Henshaw is now acting in her place.

Has President Jennifer Carr been suspended?

No. She has not been suspended or removed from her position, she has been on leave since the evening of April 10, 2024.

How long will Jennifer Carr be on leave?

Unfortunately, there is no concrete date or timeline. Jennifer Carr will be on leave for an indeterminate period. The Board of Directors continues to respect and follow due process and procedural fairness, as outlined and required by PIPSC bylaws and policies. This includes the policies on Conduct, President and Vice-Presidents, Board of Directors and the relevant procedural timelines provided therein. PIPSC will update members wherever and whenever possible. 

How was Eva Henshaw selected as Acting President?

As per Article 9.1 of Appendix 1 of the Policy on the President and Vice-President, the Executive Committee of the Board selected her:

“If, between meetings of the Board, the Office of the President becomes vacant indefinitely or due to a long-term absence, other than removal from office, the Executive Committee shall select from amongst themselves an Acting President to carry out the duties of the position until the next regular Board meeting.”

How long will Eva Henshaw be Acting President?

In the event the President is still on leave, the Board of Directors will, at its next regular meeting on May 3rd, 2024, affirm the selection of the Acting President or select another Vice-President as Acting President, as per article 9.2 in the Policy of the President and Vice-President. The Acting President will then continue to fulfill the duties of the position until the vacancy is filled by election.

Why is Jennifer Carr on leave?

We recognize the sensitive nature of this situation and want to be as transparent as possible. However, to protect due process and the integrity of the union, the Board of Directors must follow detailed procedures and processes. This includes strictly adhering to confidentiality and procedural fairness rules, as outlined in the Policy on the Board of Directors, as well as articles 2 and 4 of Appendix 2 of PIPSC Policy on the President and Vice-President. As such, we cannot provide any further details or comments at this time. We ask for and thank members in advance for their patience and confidence in our Board of Directors. It is this solidarity within our union that will help us get through this challenging time. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Jennifer Carr made a public statement on her Facebook page. Can you provide more details or respond to the information in her statement?

Unfortunately, no. As per PIPSC bylaws and policies on the Board of Directors, Conduct and the President and Vice-President, confidentiality must be maintained by all parties involved. To maintain the integrity of the process and our union's bylaws, we cannot comment further and we urge all parties to do the same.

How will this impact rank-and-file members?

It is important to note that this matter will not affect the daily operations of our union, or its members. The Board of Directors and staff are working together to ensure that all member services continue uninterrupted. We place the highest importance on member satisfaction and remain committed to providing the best service possible.

Who is Acting President Eva Henshaw?

Acting President Eva Henshaw was elected to the PIPSC Board of Directors in 2021. She is a proud member of the Information Technology (IT) Group, and has served PIPSC members as a steward and in other leadership roles since 2006.

I have other questions. Where do I send them?

We hope this FAQ provides answers to your questions. PIPSC is committed to due process and is bound by the rules that protect it, including confidentiality. However, if you have any questions not covered by these FAQs or would like to share some comments or concerns, please email them to feedback@pipsc.ca.