L'Institut professionnel de la fonction publique du Canada

RMG Winnipeg and Southern Manitoba CHAPTER - Goldeyes game vs St. Paul Saints

The Winnipeg and Southern Manitoba Chapter of the Retired Members Guild is putting on a membership activity event. We would like to invite members, their spouses and their grandchildren to join us for an afternoon Goldeyes game vs. St. Paul Saints.

Date: Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Time: 11:00 a.m.

Location: Shaw Park, 1 Portage Ave E, Winnipeg

All members in the Region are cordially invited. You are requested to register early, as space is limited to 20 seats on a first come basis. Members can get up to 4 tickets for themselves, their spouse or partner, as well as tickets for up to two grandchildren. To get tickets, please email Paul Schick pds.ottawa@hotmail.com to register.

Remember there are only 20 tickets available, so please act fast!! Tickets will be handed out by the front gates at Shaw Park, under the "PIPSC" sign, so please be there by 10:50.

We hope to see you there!