Women in Science at the PIPSC AGM

Interested delegates met to discuss the Institute’s initiatives to support women in science.  Delegates were invited to brainstorm:

  • Specific recommendations for policy or legislative change.
  • Specific initiatives the union can undertake to support and educate our membership
  • Encouraging more women to enter STEM careers (improve the labour market availability) is an area our members are equipped to support

PIPSC has undertaken to support women in science through the Science Advisory Committee’s 2017-19 Strategic Plan.

Recommendations will be included in an Institute Gender Report that will be released in early 2018.

The Gender Report will include findings from the 2017 PIPSC Science Survey, provide information on the number and percentage of women in the PIPSC science groups, and compare the percentage of women in science with 2016 Census Labour Market Availability estimates.

Women in Science

Women in Science

Women in Science


Women in Science

Women in Science