Did PIPSC text you?

Did you receive a text message from 613-707-9586 or 613-707-7832? 

Good news! We can confirm that it’s us, PIPSC, trying to reach you.

PIPSC may send messages to members that have provided mobile phone numbers to the union for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Providing you important updates or information 
  • Inviting you to participate in online and/or in-person activities
  • Soliciting your feedback on a variety of topics
  • Engaging in a conversation

These messages may come from:

  • PIPSC staff
  • Elected PIPSC leaders, like the President, members of the Board of Directors, or group leaders
  • PIPSC member volunteers, including stewards

Being skeptical of messages from unknown sources is prudent. If you would like to further verify who is sending you a text message and why, please email bettertogether@pipsc.ca or phone 1-800-267-0446 for more information.