2023 AGM Resolutions - Late

Presented to the PIPSC 104 Annual General Meeting

L-1 - Right-Sizing Approach to Languages (E)

Sponsored by Chalk River Professional Employees Group Executive | Disposition: Withdrawn

Whereas the Institute currently uses a one-size-fits-all approach to languages.

Whereas the Institute represents members in workplaces that have different sets of official languages.

Whereas the Institute shall endeavour to manage the organization and its resources in an efficient and effective manner.

Be it resolved that By-Law 27 (Languages) be amended as follows:

27.1 Each member shall be entitled to deal with and receive all services from the Institute in the language of their choice, selected from the official languages of the workplace they are most recently associated with.

27.2 All Institute general information materials shall be distributed simultaneously in all official languages of member workplaces.

27.3 All By-Laws shall have the language of the text of origin identified. All By-Laws approved prior to November 12, 1994, shall be deemed to have their text of origin in the English language.

27.4 In the event of a difference in interpretation or meaning between translated texts, the text of any By-Law, resolution or other written instrument shall be governed by the meaning of the text of origin.

Be it further resolved that the Policy on Official Languages be updated to be in accordance with the changes made to By-Law 27.

RSC – Recommend that the Chair rule this out-of-order as a late resolution (BL –

L-2 Article 7.1 - Regular and Retired Members (F)

Sponsored by Quebec Region | Disposition:

Whereas retired members are not covered by collective agreements; 

Be it resolved that By-laws 7.1 and 7.1.1 be amended as follows:

7.1 Regular and Retired Members Only Regular and Retired members have the right to be candidates for office, to vote for officers, to otherwise participate in the affairs of the Institute, and, subject to By-law 7.1.1, the affairs of the constituent bodies of the Institute. Only Regular and Retired members shall be eligible to attend General Meetings of the Institute. Only Regular members shall be eligible for appointment as Stewards and be members of bargaining teams.

 7.1.1 Groups and Sub-Groups may, in accordance with their Constitutions, determine the level of participation of Retired members in their affairs, with the exception of bargaining, which is reserved for regular members.

RSC – Recommend that the Chair rule this out-of-order as a late resolution (BL –

L-3 Change in the nomenclature of the branches (F)

Sponsored by Quebec Region | Disposition:

Whereas the French term “chapitre” (branch) is primarily used in Québec; and

 Whereas the word “chapitre” is associated, in Québec, with outlaw motorcycle gangs; and

 Whereas it is important for PIPSC to have a professional image;

 Be it resolved that the French version of the national By-laws be changed to read as follows:

AGA 1995


11.1.1 Chaque région est structurée selon un minimum de trois (3) niveaux :

i. Conseil régional

ii. Exécutif régional

iii. Chapitres Sous-régions

11.1.2 Les membres peuvent choisir d’être actifs(-ives) dans les structures régionales de leur lieu de résidence, de l’emploi ou du dernier emploi occupé. Les membres n’ont jamais de droits dans plus d’une (1) région.

AGA 2015

11.1.3 La participation à d’autres unités organisationnelles est conforme à la définition des statuts de chaque région.

11.1.4 Chaque conseil régional est libre de recommander l’organisation détaillée de la région, sous réserve de la conformité aux présents statuts et de l’approbation du Conseil d’administration.

11.1.5 Statuts Chaque région est régie par des statuts conformes aux présents statuts, qui prévoient notamment la représentation des chapitres sous-régions ou d’autres unités organisationnelles au conseil régional. Après modification de ses statuts, une région les soumet au Comité des statuts et politiques pour qu’il les étudie. Les modifications apportées aux statuts entrent en vigueur une fois approuvées par le Conseil d’administration.

11.1.6 Conseil régional Le conseil régional se compose d’au moins un(e) (1) délégué(e) par deux cents (200) membres et d’au plus un(e) (1) délégué(e) par cinquante (50) membres résidant dans la région, chiffre arrondi aux deux cents (200) près, plus deux (2) autres délégué(e)s. Le décompte des membres se fait le 31 décembre précédent.

AGA 2008 Chaque conseil régional se réunit au moins une fois pendant l’année civile.

11.1.7 Exécutif régional L’exécutif régional est composé des directeurs(-trices) élu(e)s de la région et d’autres membres jusqu’à concurrence de onze (11) membres. Dans les régions de plus de 10 000 membres, le nombre maximal à l’exécutif régional est de treize (13) membres. Les dirigeant(e)s comprennent normalement un(e) président(e), un(e) vice-président(e), un(e) secrétaire-trésorier(-ière) ou, selon le cas, un(e) secrétaire et un(e) trésorier(-ière). Le mandat des membres de l’exécutif n’excède pas trois (3) ans. Les résultats des élections à l’exécutif d’une région ainsi que la liste des noms, postes, adresses et numéros de téléphone au bureau et au domicile des dirigeant(e)s élu(e)s sont transmis au (à la) secrétaire exécutif(-ive) dans les plus brefs délais.

AGA 2008


11.2.1 Création La création d’une chapitre sous-région, co[CM2] mprenant au moins dix (10) membres titulaires ou à la retraite provenant d’au moins deux (2) groupes spécifiques dans une région, est assujettie à l’approbation du Comité exécutif, à la demande des membres de la du chapitre sous-région proposée et sur recommandation de l’exécutif régional en cause. Nonobstant ce qui précède, lorsqu’une région, où autrement une chapitre sous-région serait créée, comprend les membres d’un seul groupe, l’exécutif régional peut recommander la création d’une chapitre sous-région, sous réserve de l’approbation du Comité exécutif. Les statuts appropriés sont assignés au chapitre à la sous-région nouvellement formée conformément aux présents statuts.

AGA 1997 Les membres devraient toujours faire partie d’une chapitre sous-région et ne peuvent jamais appartenir à plus d’une (1) chapitre sous-région.

AGA 2005

11.2.2 Statuts Chaque chapitre sous-région est régie par des statuts conformes aux présents statuts et à ceux de la région en cause, qui garantissent notamment à chaque membre le droit de poser sa candidature et de voter lors de l’élection de l’exécutif. Après modification de ses statuts, une chapitre sous-région soumet les modifications au Comité des statuts et politiques et à l’exécutif régional en cause pour qu’il les étudie. Les modifications apportées aux statuts entrent en vigueur une fois approuvées par le Conseil et ratifiées par les membres de la du chapitre sous-région.

 11.2.3 Exécutif de chapitre sous-région Un exécutif de chapitre sous-région comprend habituellement un(e) (1) membre par dix (10) membres de la du chapitre sous-région, chiffre arrondi à la dizaine près; il est formé d’au moins trois (3) membres mais d’au plus onze (11) membres. Les dirigeant(e)s comprennent normalement un(e) président(e), un(e) vice-président(e), un(e) secrétaire-trésorier(-ière) ou, selon le cas, un(e) secrétaire et un(e) trésorier(-ière). Le mandat des membres de l’exécutif n’excède pas trois (3) ans. Les résultats des élections à l’exécutif de la d’un chapitre sous-région, ainsi que la liste des noms, postes, adresses et numéros de téléphone au bureau et au domicile des dirigeant(e)s élu(e)s sont transmis au secrétaire exécutif dans les plus brefs délais. L’exécutif se réunit au moins trois (3) fois par année.

AGA 2008

11.2.4 Assemblée générale annuelle Chaque chapitre sous-région convoque une assemblée générale annuelle des membres au moins une fois par année civile, jamais plus de quinze (15) mois après l’assemblée annuelle précédente. Lorsqu’une chapitre sous-région omet de tenir une assemblée générale annuelle, le (la) secrétaire exécutif(-ive) l’informe qu’il elle[CM3]  enfreint la présente disposition et lui demande de prendre les mesures nécessaires dans les trente (30) jours suivant la réception de cet avis. Si la le chapitre sous-région n’obtempère pas, l’affaire est renvoyée à l’exécutif régional en cause pour qu’il fasse une recommandation au Conseil.

 11.2.5 Motif de dissolution Une Un chapitre sous-région peut être dissouste s’il si elle omet de se conformer à ses statuts, à ceux de la région en cause ou à ceux de l’Institut, sous réserve de la recommandation de l’exécutif régional en cause et de l’approbation du Comité exécutif.

RSC – Recommend that the Chair rule this out-of-order as a late resolution (BL –

L-4 Amendment to the By-laws of the Retired Members Guild (F)

Sponsored by Quebec Region | Disposition: Withdrawn

Whereas the Retired Members Guild (RMG) has 2,761 retired members who pay $69.60 annually in dues for a grand total of $192,165.00 in contributions to the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) as of December 31, 2022; and

Whereas the RMG’s annual allowance and meeting expenses cost PIPSC approximately $60,000.00; and

 Whereas the RMG’s 10 chapters are not constituent bodies under PIPSC’s By-laws and their allowance is paid out of the RMG’s budget;

 Be it resolved that the RMG be considered a group rather than a branch; and

 Be it further resolved that the RMG’s chapters be granted sub-group status and that their allowances and meeting expenses be paid by PIPSC (approximate cost: $63,000.00).






⮚      Retired Members Guild’s chapter: A constituent body described in By-law 10.6

10.5 Retired Members Guild

10.5.2 The Retired Members’ Guild (RMG) may create constituent bodies know as Chapters in accordance with their constitution. The RMG is responsible for the funding of these Chapters.

10.5 Retired Members Guild

10.5.2 The Retired Members Guild (RMG) may create constituent bodies know as Chapters in accordance with their constitution. The RMG is responsible for the funding of these Chapters.


10.5.x By-laws The Retired Members Guild (RMG) shall be governed by by-laws which conform to these By-laws, and which guarantees every member the right to stand as a candidate and to vote in the election of the Executive. After making any amendments to them, the RMG submits its By-laws to the By-Laws and Policies Committee for review. Amendments to the By-laws come into force once approved by the Board of Directors and ratified by the RMG members.


10.6 Retired Members Guild chapter

10.6.1 Establishment The establishment of a Retired Members Guild (RMG) chapter, comprising at least ten (10) retired members from a Region, shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, at the request of the members interested in forming the chapter and upon recommendation of the RMG executive. The appropriate by-laws shall be assigned to the newly established chapter in accordance with these By-laws. Members are not allowed to belong to more than one chapter.


10.6.2 By-laws Each chapter is governed by by-laws that conform to the present By-laws and those of the RMG, and which guarantees each member the right to stand as a candidate and to vote in the election of the Executive. After amending its By-laws, the chapter submits them to the By-Laws and Policies Committee and to the RMG’s executive for review. Amendments to the By-laws come into effect once approved by the Board of Directors and ratified by the members of the chapter.


10.6.3 Chapter executive A chapter executive is normally composed of one (1) member for every ten (10) members of the chapter, rounded to the nearest ten (10), and shall consist of not less than three (3) and not more than eight (8) members. Officers normally include a president, a vice-president, a secretary-treasurer or, as the case may be, a secretary and a treasurer. The terms of reference of an executive member shall not exceed three (3) years. The results of a chapter executive election, together with a list of the names, positions, addresses and office and home telephone numbers of the elected officers, are forwarded to the Secretary as soon as possible.


Policy on Constituent Body Allocations



4. Funding Formula

Groups will receive the greater between the following options:

Option 1 – Base amount of $1,000, plus $10.00 per member per year for the first 5,000 members and $3.00 per member per year in excess of 5,000 members.

Option 2 – $10 per member per year for the first 2,000 members and $8 per member per year if there are more than 2,000.

Sub-Groups and Branches will receive the greater between the following options:

Option 1 – Base amount of $750, plus $13.00 per member per year for the first 1,000 members and $4.00 per member per year in excess of 1,000 members. (AGM 2019)

Option 2 – $10 per member per year for the first 2,000 members and $8 per member per year if there are more than 2,000.


4. Funding Formula

Groups and the Retired Members Guild will receive the greater between the following options:

Option 1 – Base amount of $1,000.00, plus $10.00 per member per year for the first 5,000 members and $3.00 per member per year in excess of 5,000 members.

Option 2 – $10.00 per member per year for the first 2,000 members and $8.00 per member per year if there are more than 2,000.

The Sub-Groups, the RMG Chapters and the Branches will receive the greater between the following options:

Option 1 – Base amount of $750.00, plus $13.00 per member per year for the first 1,000 members and $4.00 per member per year in excess of 1,000 members. (2019 AGM)

Option 2 – $10.00 per member per year for the first 2,000 members and $8.00 per member per year if there are more than 2,000.



Retired Members Guild BY-LAWS




13.1 Chapters may be formed by members in any geographic area upon approval by the National Guild Executive.



13.1 Chapters may be formed by members in any geographic area upon approval by the National Guild Executive.


13.2 A chapter executive must include a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer or a Secretary-Treasurer if the positions are combined.

13.2 A chapter executive must include a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer or a Secretary-Treasurer if the positions are combined.

13.4 All costs for Chapter meetings will be borne by the Chapter.

13.4 All costs for Chapter meetings will be borne by the Chapter.


Retired Members Guild REGULATIONS




13.1 Chapters may be formed by members in any geographic area upon approval by the National Guild Executive.



13.1 Chapters may be formed by members in any geographic area upon approval by the National Guild Executive.


13.2 A chapter executive must include a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer or a Secretary-Treasurer if the positions are combined.

13.2 A chapter executive must include a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer or a Secretary-Treasurer if the positions are combined.

13.4 All costs for Chapter meetings will be borne by the Chapter.

13.4 All costs for Chapter meetings will be borne by the Chapter.


Retired Members Guild REGULATIONS




R5.2 Annual Allotments – Chapters are allotted funds from the Guild Executive and are structured as follows:

R5.2.1 New Chapters A new proposed chapter will receive start-up funds from the National Guild Executive via their Regional Representative as determined by the Guild Executive.

R5.2.2 Each chapter will receive an annual allotment as determined by the Executive upon presentation to the National Guild Executive via their Regional Representative of the following:

a) the fiscal year financial statement;
b) the budget and actuals for that year;
c) a copy of the minutes of the Annual General meeting;
d) the budget for the new year.

R5.2.3 A chapter will receive its designated annual allowance or part thereof, annually, to bring its cash on hand up to the maximum allowed as determined by PIPSC.


R5.2 Annual Allotments – Chapters are allotted funds from the Guild Executive and are structured as follows:

R5.2.1 New Chapters A new proposed chapter will receive start-up funds from the National Guild Executive via their Regional Representative as determined by the Guild Executive.

R5.2.2 Each chapter will receive an annual allotment as determined by the Executive upon presentation to the National Guild Executive via their Regional Representative of the following:

a) the fiscal year financial statement;
b) the budget and actuals for that year;
c) a copy of the minutes of the Annual General meeting;
d) the budget for the new year.

R5.2.3 A chapter will receive its’ designated annual allowance or part thereof, annually, to bring its cash on hand up to the maximum allowed as determined by PIPSC.


Resolutions Sub-Committee Comment 

Part 1 – Recommend that the Chair rule this out-of-order as a late resolution (BL –

Part 2 - This is the modification of the RMG bylaws by the Region of Quebec. One constituent body cannot change the bylaws of another. This change must be approved by the RMG at their AGM and then submitted to the BLPC for recommendation to the BoD. This should not be debated on the floor of the PIPSC AGM.

L-5 Adjustment of the number of AGM delegates (F)

Sponsored by: Québec Region | Disposition:

Whereas the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the highest decision-making body at the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC); and

Whereas such a large number of participants makes it difficult to discuss and reach decisions; and

Whereas the total number of PIPSC members is constantly growing; and

Whereas the number of delegates to the AGM will likely increase with the current formula; and

Whereas the AGM costs are constantly rising; and

Whereas the hotels of several provinces cannot accommodate the members who were invited to the AGM; and

Whereas the hotels that are still able to accommodate us are no longer able to prepare meals adequately for the members who were invited to the AGM;

Be it resolved that, for the AGM 2024, By-laws (Groups) and (Regions) be corrected as follows:

That the number 200 be replaced by 300. Groups 

Each group executive shall be entitled to the greater of:

  1. one (1) delegate for each two hundred (200) three hundred (300) of the Group’s members, rounded to the nearest two hundred (200) three hundred (300), based on its national membership as at December 31, immediately prior to the notice of the meeting, or 
  2. one (1) delegate. Regions 

Each Region shall be entitled to one (1) delegate for each two hundred (200) three hundred (300) of its members, rounded to the nearest two hundred (200) three hundred (300), residing in the Region as at December 31 immediately prior to the notice of the meeting.

Proposer’s note:

These changes would reduce the number of delegates invited to the AGM from 779 to 552.

Resolutions Sub-Committee Comment 

Recommend that the Chair rule this out-of-order as a late resolution (BL –

L-6 Divestment from fossil fuels (F)

Sponsored by: Québec Region | Disposition:

Whereas human activity, primarily through the emission of greenhouse gases, has unequivocally caused the current global warming of 1.1 °C above the 1850-1900 level between 2011 and 2020 (ref.: https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/syr/); and

Whereas climate change is already impacting living conditions on a planetary scale in the form of extreme weather events, among others (ref.: https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/syr/); and

Whereas several large financial institutions (e.g., BMO, CDPQ, Desjardins) are adopting policies to reduce their investments in carbon producing sectors;

Be it resolved that the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) receive a detailed report on its fossil fuel-related investments; and

Be it further resolved that the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) hold no investments in the fossil fuel sector after 2030.

L-7 Regular Member Dues Increase (E) 

Sponsored by the Board of Directors & Advisory Council | Disposition: Withdrawn

Be it resolved that the member fees be increased by $10.00 per month per regular member effective January 1, 2024.

L-8 Retired Members Dues Increase (E) 

Sponsored by the Board of Directors | Disposition: Withdrawn

Be it resolved that a 50% increase in dues paid by retired members be applied effective January 1, 2024.

L-9 AGM Dinner Meal Compensation (E)

Sponsored by Don Burns | Disposition: Out of Order

Whereas PIPSC Work Life Balance  policy states “When a member chooses to invite his or her spouse / significant other or child to the PIPSC AGM banquet, or the Regional Council or Regional Steward Council dinner, the cost of the spouse’s / significant other’s or child’s meal will be borne by the Institute”;

Whereas in the past PIPSC has supported members including family members at PIPSC events such as Regional Councils and the PIPSC AGM;

Whereas  Covid protocols require individuals with covid like symptoms to avoid public gatherings. Delegates who follow this policy and not attend the gala dinner will be refused the dinner meal allowance.

Whereas members should not be expected to leave their family member/partner alone while they attend a lavish dinner/dance gala;

Therefore Be it resolved that delegates to the 104th PIPSC AGM who do not attend the gala dinner be given the choice to claim

  1. the dinner allowance or
  2. when travelling with a spouse/significant other or child claim 2 times the allowance with a restaurant receipt of $121 or more.

L-10  Regular Member Dues Increase (E) 

Sponsored by Chris Roach | Disposition: Defeated

Be it resolved that the member fees be increased by $10.00 per month per regular member effective July 1, 2024.

L-11 Institute Dues Formula (E) 

Sponsored by RE Group | Disposition: Out of Order

Be it resolved that PIPSC change its dues for regular and Rand members as of July 1, 2024, to a fixed percentage of the minimum salary at the member’s group and level, pro-rated for part-time workers.

Be it further resolved that the single percentage rate for Regular and Rand members be set to 1.33%.

Be it further resolved that the dues rate for retired members be increased by 20% as of July 1, 2024 and subsequently indexed at the same times and in the same manner as Canada Pension Plan.

L-12 Retired Members Dues Increase (E)

Sponsored by Chris Roach | Disposition: Withdrawn

Be it resolved that a 50% increase in dues paid by retired members be applied effective July  1, 2024.

L-13 Agenda Order in Future (F)

Sponsored by Renaud Guiard | Disposition:

It is proposed that, starting with the 2024 AGM, the debate on motions be placed on the agenda before any other activity, workshop or speaker.