President Jenn Carr presented awards to deserving Institute members for their exemplary and inspiring leadership and thanked the members of the Award Selection Panel for reviewing the nominations and for recommending these laureates.
Institute Service Award
The Institute Service Award recognizes outstanding service over a significant period of time, above and beyond that which might be expected of any devoted member who has served on many constituent body executives.
Jonathan Fitzpatrick
Life Membership Award
The Life Membership Award recognizes outstanding service of enduring value to the Institute by a regular or retired member of the Institute who has demonstrated leadership for at least ten years. President Jenn Carr presented the Life Membership Awards to these outstanding members.
Stan Buday
Chris Roach
President Achievement Award
The President's Achievement Award recognizes Institute members who exemplify the highest standards of service in their chosen field of work, and who have demonstrated a high level of commitment to promoting professionalism. The sciences, finance, engineering, health, procurement and informatics are among the more than seventy-five professional fields represented by PIPSC.
Matt MacLeod
Rokib Hassan