
March 26, 2018 AFS Executive Meeting

Present: Doug Mason (President).  Regional Representatives: Chris Roach (Vice-President and Atlantic Regional Representative), Shawn Gillis (Ontario and Treasurer), Mark Muench (CS National Consultation Representative), Phil Choo (BC / Yukon), Manny Costain (CS Regional Representative and Secretary), Robert Trudeau (Prairies/NWT), Brian Hassall (HQ), Allaudin Alibhai (NCR IT), and Al Ravjiani (Toronto).

Absent:  Steve Parent (Quebec)

Executive Meeting Précis – December 1, 2017

The précis for the December 1 executive meeting was approved as presented and will be sent for translation and posting.

Financial Update

The AFS Group finances were reviewed by the Executive.

Staffing Review

The AFS Group was approached some time ago by the Agency about a staffing overhaul.  Some initial work will begin this spring with much work to be done in the fall. 

Creation of the AFS Trainyards Sub Group

The AFS Executive approved the creation of a new AFS Trainyards Sub Group for the 395 Terminal Avenue building.  


A meeting is being scheduled for the Workload Subcommittee to review concerns about the nature of new international workload and other workload concerns.

Lawyers as AUs

The Agency currently has lawyers classified as AUs in Headquarters Rulings and Appeals and wants to introduce lawyers in other branches.  We have been asked for our feedback.

AU-04 to AU-06 Job Description Grievances

We have requested an update on the status of these grievances with PIPSC classification services.

AU-Dev Pay Disparity

The AFS Executive reviewed a concern about AU-DEV pay disparity due to pay on hiring. It was noted that hiring is the only time that an employee can personally negotiate their salary.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The AFS Group is concerned about management plans to reduce the frequency of national meetings and to discontinue the EAP Newsletter.  AFS stewards should sit on local committees.

GTA Reorganization

An update to the AFS Executive was provided. Employees are no longer being forcibly relocated but many concerns remain re building leases.

Dropping of Triennial PSES

The AFS Executive will follow up on whether triennial Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) has been discontinued and whether the Agency can buy questions in annual survey.

Carpooling Vehicle Rentals

The Agency holds the position that they can order multiple employees to car pool when renting a car.  The AFS Executive has concerns about employee safety and liability should an accident occur.

image1Next Executive Meeting

The next AFS Executive meeting will be May 2nd and 3rd in conjunction with the National Union Management Consultation Meeting.