Date: Wednesday October 20, 2021
Location: Zoom Meeting
Present: April Chen, Abraham Garcia, Michael Kenny, Michael Patterson, Nick Watson, and Andra Weis
Regrets: Art Iwinski, Chris Patterson, and Jyoti Tanotra
Item |
Discussion |
Action |
Call to order. |
Abraham announced quorum and called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Abraham |
Introduction |
Abraham discussed the agenda items and inquired if any members of the executive would like to add anything. The executive agreed on the set agenda as proposed by Abraham.
Abraham |
Abraham indicated the PIPSC AGM was being held on November 7th, 2021. It will be virtual.
Abraham |
Abraham has been attending BUMC sessions since the retirements of Brian and Susan Hassall. Some members of the executive had discussed the possibility of attending a BUMC meeting with Abraham. Abraham inquired with Dan Quinn and was informed that at the current time he was not in favour of having other executive members attend BUMC meetings. Abraham was advised to review the BUMC Terms of Reference to see if there is mention of who would have authority to determine who may attends the meetings.
Abraham |
Sub-Group AGM |
With provincial COVID-19 restrictions easing, the executive agreed it was a good opportunity to hold an in-person sub-group AGM. Items that were discussed:
Action: The executive agreed that all board members would do some research into potential venues, and another meeting would be scheduled shortly to discuss people’s findings.
Abraham/All |
Round Table |
Nick raised the point that it’s becoming more common for CRA management to give un-advertised permanent promotions and some members were becoming increasingly frustrated at the increase in frequency of these. Michael P. indicated that there is no end date for resource, and thus if an employee can demonstrate they would be a better candidate at any point in the future, they could be successful in their recourse.
All |
Adjournment |
Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.
All |