2023 AFS Moncton AGM  


Location: Pomodori Pizzeria, Moncton, NB  


May 18, 2023 6:00 PM  


Members of the executive present: Kelly MacKinnon, President; Lucas Martin, Vice-President; Tamara  Dunn, Treasurer. Members in attendance – 12, including the executive, plus Chris Roach, guest.  


1. Welcome  

AGM brought to order at 6:15 pm.  


2. Adoption of the agenda – Motion to approve by Lucas Martin, seconded by Joanne Doiron.  Carried 


3. Review of the 2022 AGM meeting minutes – Motion to approve by Tamara Dunn, seconded by  Denis Robichaud. Carried. 


4. Local summary report:  

a. President’s report – Presented by Kelly MacKinnon. Kelly updated the members on  meetings & events held since the last AGM in May 2022. There were three subgroup  executive meetings, as well as a summer event for AFS members. Kelly still has monthly  calls with management, and represents the subgroup on the OHS Committee, Moncton  Office Refit Committee and Regional EED&I Committee.  


The AFS Subgroup received approval from Better Together for funding to purchase $250  in pizza for striking PSAC colleagues. 


Basic Steward Training will be offered in September 2023 in Fredericton, NB and  February 2024 in Halifax NS. There are only 20 seats offered for each session. Kelly  encouraged anyone interested to apply as soon as possible.  


The deadline for the 2023 Legacy Foundation Scholarships is June 30. Children and  grandchildren of regular and retired members may apply.  


Kelly made a motion to approve her President’s report. Seconded by Judith Nowlan.  Carried. 


b. Financial Report - Financial statements for 2022 were presented by Tamara Dunn,  Treasurer.  


2022 - Opening balance January 1, 2022 $1,459.04. Source of funds $1,594.79, including  the allotment of $1,335.00. Use of funds $2,925.26, including $1,323.97 in promotional  items for members. Ending balance at December 31, 2022 $128.57.  


Motion to approve by Tamara Dunn, seconded by Lucas Martin. Carried. 


c. Budget – Tamara presented budgets for both 2023 and 2024. Motion to approve by  Tamara Dunn, seconded by Luc Hébert. Carried.  


5. Upcoming events 


There is nothing planned now. Possibly an event in the fall.  


6. Report of the Elections Committee/Election 


Lucas Martin chaired the election process.  


The position of President (currently held by Kelly MacKinnon) is up for election this year for a two year term.  


The position of Secretary (newly created in 2022 and currently held for one year by Taha Khan)  is up for election for a two year term.  


The position of Member at Large (newly created in 2022 and currently held for one year by  Tasha Wingo) is up for election for a two year term. With our current membership at 75, there  is the potential for two more Member at Large positions, should there be any interested  members.  


Members who offered their names for election were:  

  • President: Kelly MacKinnon. No other members offered for the position. Acclaimed.
  • Secretary: Maureen Cormier. No other members offered for the position. Acclaimed. 
  • Member-at-Large: Judith Nowlan. No other members offered for the position.  Acclaimed. 


The election was declared closed.  


7. Guest Speaker – Chris Roach  


Chris updated the members on the latest news from the Bargaining Team. He answered many  questions and explained the bargaining process to new members, including the current  demands from the AFS Group. He spoke about the history of AFS Collective Agreements, and  the status of other contract negotiations currently underway. His informative presentation was  well received by members, and his attendance at our event was very much appreciated. Thanks Chris!  


8. Meeting Adjourned – Motion to adjourn: Maureen Cormier, seconded by Lucas Martin. The  meeting was adjourned at 8:06pm.