There are two (2) vacancies on the AFS Group executive, for President and Vice-President. The successful candidate will take Office on July 1, 2024.


Following the close of nominations on May 1, 2024, the following members expressed their willingness to serve as Vice-President on the AFS Group Executive. The President position has been acclaimed by Doug Mason. Congratulations Doug!





Doug Mason - acclaimed



Peter Gilkinson

Shawn Gillis

Manjit Singh

Frank Wong


Please read all materials carefully to ensure that your vote will be counted.


Voting is by electronic means only.  A ballot key will be sent via e-mail to AFS Group members eligible to vote by Wednesday, May 15, 2024.  The ballot key will be sent to the default e-mail address each member has on file with PIPSC.

Voter Eligibility:

Only AFS Group Regular members (not Retired) in good standing are eligible to vote.


Resumes Submitted by Candidates:

All candidates were invited to submit resumes, of 300 words or less, stating their experience/objectives.  The resumes submitted have been reproduced without corrections.  The translated versions were produced by PIPSC translators.

Deadline for on-line voting: Thursday, June 6, 2024 @ 5:00 PM EDT


If you have any questions regarding your voting ballot, please contact AFS Group Administrative Coordinator: Natalie Bélanger (


PIPSC National Elections Committee