

Stan Buday

Pierre Touchette

Deb Butler

Stacy McLaren

Rob Scott

Eva Henshaw

Tony Goddard

Steven Fréchette

Yvonne Snaddon

Patricia Williams

Karim Chaggani

Lucille Shears - by Zoom

Jean Paul Leduc - Negotiator


Gordon Bulmer


Meeting called to order

9:10 am Stan welcomed everyone and spoke about how we had a great two days for bargaining prep.

Adoption of the agenda

Moved by Stacy, Seconded by Stan .  Disposition:  Carried

Adoption of the minutes

October 19 minutes:  Moved by Stacy, second by Pierre.  Disposition: Carried


Business arising

Sub Group Presidents’ meeting - draft agenda will be prepared and sent out to the executive for input - Done

Standing Agenda items


Bargaining Update














Decision of Route for bargaining

Feb 4th - proposals exchanged electronically.

Feb 8, 9 and 10th - Meeting with employer

-First important item is the gender neutral language on the tenth which will be tabled by the employer.  

-Discussion of issues with some people being present on Zoom for meetings that have some from both sides being unable to attend or hybrid meetings happening. 

-JP to coordinate with the employer for logistics.

-discussion of the SBC and group autonomy was had concerning the position for CS Group and where would we come down on the side of SBC or not.

Apr 5, 6 and 7-next set of days for bargaining (hybrid meeting).

-suggestion of having a pre bargaining meeting with the team to make sure that we are prepared for meeting with the employer.  Can be via Zoom for up to a half day.

-Rob spoke to the SBC and efforts there, if we need to have respect for other groups and maintain collegial relations.

-Discussion for the route-between Conciliation and Arbitration.  We heard from the subgroup presidents and there was no real decision from them. 

-Round table of opinions were received by all the executives.

-It was suggested that once we decide on a route, we need to provide the justification of why we chose that route to the members.  We have to mobilize around our importance in the service of our members as well as the Canadian public.  Mobilizing around contracting out affecting services and what we have done as CS for the government and the Canadian public.  We need to get our activists on board and make our members active now, not sit back and sit back and do nothing.

Discussion had that we need agreement (possible Terms of Reference document) with Institute communications.


Final choice:  After a good discussion with pros and cons of both routes, the consensus is to choose the Arbitration route for this round of bargaining.


Motion:  That the CS group follow the Arbitration route for the upcoming 2022 round of bargaining. 

Moved by:  Rob Scott

Seconded by:  Pierre Touchette

Disposition:  Carried



Strategic Planning Update

Tabled to afternoon- tabled to planned December meeting


New Business




Sub Group President’s meeting

A draft agenda was provided to the executive at the meeting.  The discussion was had about the scheduling of the meeting.

Discussion about the subgroup president’s reports. Agenda shows actual verbal reports.  The discussion of where on the agenda these reports might be instead of in the morning they could be in the afternoon.

Questioned whether a virtual binder would be used to save/archive documents.

The day of training that is being planned-agenda isn’t finalized yet as discussion with Mobilization is still happening.

Suggestion that an agenda item needs to be added-the IT rebranding discussion with the subgroup presidents.

IT Group branding/logo contest

Suggestion to table to the CS Subgroup President’s Meeting. 

Motion: That the CS Exec makes the decision on what the group will be named at the Dec 3 executive meeting.

Moved by Stacy

Second by Yvonne

Disposition:  Defeated


Discussion about wanting to have the input of the subgroup presidents should be taken into consideration. 

It was indicated that this has been around for a long time and this needs to be done now rather than tabling it from meeting to meeting.

There were many pros and cons discussed.

Need identified to determine our options: CS Group with IT Classification? or must we become the IT Group. We cannot use “TI” since it is already a PSAC Table.


Motion: That the CS Exec makes the decision on what the group will be named at the first executive meeting after the Subgroup President’s meeting.

Moved by Yvonne

Second by Rob

Disposition:  Carried


Action Item: JP and 2 members of the Executive will do the research to prepare the presentation for the subgroup president’s meeting.

CS Group National Elections

The timeline steps for this years’ elections begin in January.  Yvonne brought forward that she would volunteer to be elections chair for this year.  Committee should be struck and the VP, Yvonne and Steven compose the election committee.

This is the presidential election year.

Empty Executive Spots

It has been noted that we should be making the decision on what will happen to fill the empty spots that need to be filled in the first meeting in 2022.

Also, the position of Contracting out officer.  It was moved that Yvonne take over the Contracting out Officer as well as the Labour Relations portfolio and was acclaimed. There should be 2 positions on the COAT filled as well.  The question of could we go outside of the executive to fill these empty COAT positions.  Patricia and Steven volunteered to take part in the COAT.


Motion:  The CS Group will cover salary for the knowledge transfer concerning the Contracting out portfolio up to one day of salary.

Moved:  Eva

Second by: Rob

Disposition:  Carried

Secretary duties will transfer to Tony when Stacy transfers out.

Action Item:  Stan to contact Gordon about Membership portfolio.

NOC Chair discussion tabled to another meeting.

Visibility Items

Eva and Lucille sent a suggestion for visibility items for the subgroup president’s gift for the members. 

The suggestion was for wireless earbuds (approximately $100) which Pierre got a quote for.

Motion:  To purchase promotional items for the subgroup president’s meeting up to $12 000.

Moved by Pierre

Second by Stan

Disposition:  Carried



Executive Reports

Stan - President 

Pierre - VP

Deb – Treasurer - we have not applied for the allocation for this year yet but suspect that we will not get a full allocation.

Stacy – Secretary - Minutes being recorded and put on drive.

Lucille - Subgroup  - Issues with some subgroups with turn over of executives.  Analysis of subgroups in turmoil.  There is an issue in a subgroup where there is a toxic situation.  Follow up actions:  Suggestion that mediation be sought from PIPSC and PIPSC has already been contacted, mediation was asked for and denied by PIPSC.

Motion to go into closed session.  Carried

Moved out of closed session. Carried

Action item:  Subgroup discussion on Agenda for next executive meeting.

Rob - Bargaining 

Tony – Communications -report is posted.  If you have any posting for the website needs to be sent to Tony.  Any dates can be added to the calendar maintained by Tony. 

Yvonne – Labour relations -policy about being fully vaccinated to the next board meeting.  Also, Skills Canada is now able to be discussed.

Karim – Classification IT conversion, -Help form for the conversion on the CS Group website.  OPN scheduled for Dec 9

Action item-Yvonne asked to discuss at the WGC to get more information on Classification

Patricia - Steward Officer (report on the CS Drive)

?- NOC - to discuss filling this role in a future executive meeting.

Eva – Contracting out

Gordon - Membership - Stan to reach out to Gordon to find out timeline for return



Other Business/Round Table

Engagement idea for keeping members informed.  Development of podcasts for the CS Group.




Next Meeting

Next meeting:  Action Item: Stan to do doodle for next meeting for Strategic planning for December and an executive meeting in January.

CS AGM date:  June 4th

June 2 PM- Elections Committee meets, June 3 Executive Meeting,


Meeting adjourned:  5:03pm