IT Executive Meeting

26 July 2022, 13h00 to 16h00 (Eastern time)

Via: Zoom

Cvent ID: L6NSF7QQ62Z


Present: Stan Buday, Pierre Touchette, Tony Goddard, Yvonne Snaddon, Steven Fréchette, Rob Scott, Deb Butler, Lucille Shears, Karim Chaggani, Patricia Williams, Stéphane Aubry, Tamara Critch, Robert Tellier

Staff: Josianne Drouin – Researcher

Regrets: Jean-Paul Leduc – Negotiator

  1. Welcome: Stan called the meeting to Order at 13h14.


  1. Adoption of Agenda:

Moved: Tony Goddard                       Seconded: Deb Butler

THAT the Agenda be adopted as amended.            



  1. Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting(s):

Moved: Tony Goddard                       Seconded: Rob Scott

THAT the minutes of 03 June 2022 be approved as presented.      



  1. Business Arising from the minutes/Action Items:
    1. Advise AA of new requirements for translation at all future meetings. (Tony) Complete
    2. Send your visibility item ideas to Pierre. (ALL) Complete

Pierre received no suggestions from the Executive but he did hear ideas from a couple Subgroups. Stéphane suggested printed vinyl table wraps for the PIPSC AGM, they would be a great way to mark the IT Group section and introduce our new logo to the other groups at PIPSC. If there are any other suggestions, please contact Pierre direct.


ACTION ITEM (ALL): Send your visibility item ideas to Pierre.


    1. Price the identified visibility items (retractor kit, flags, table runner) and report back to the Executive. (Pierre) Ongoing - Pierre is waiting for the quote.
    2. Reorganize the Google Folder available to the AGM delegates. (Tony) Complete
    3. Advise Linda R of the new contact on the callout letter. (Patricia) Complete
    4. Send topic suggestions for the Strategic Planning session to Stan, Pierre & Tony. (ALL) Ongoing
    5. Set up reservations for Outgoing Executive Dinner. (Stan) Ongoing
    6. Add IT Equity Seeking Committee (ITESC) ToR to our Strategic Planning agenda. (Tony) Complete
    7. Reschedule the May 30th Bargaining Info Session. (Stan & Tony) Complete
    8. Find out from PIPSC Finance what is the maximum allowable for the Group bank (allocation) (1.5% ??). (Deb) Complete Deb confirmed that we are allowed 1.5x our maximum allowance in our bank account.
    9. Schedule a full NOC-ROC meeting this fall (October 14) (Gordon & Deb) Complete
    10. Provide list of all N/A members and request PIPSC Membership to assign them to a subgroup. IF they are outside a subgroup boundary, assign them to the closest, revise boundaries of SG and advise them that meetings will be virtual (no transportation to be paid). Once this exercise is complete then review remaining “orphans” and discuss solution. (Lucille) Ongoing
    11. Send member & RAND letters as NOC Co-Chair. (Gordon Deb) Complete Deb to follow-up, this is also being done by PIPSC Membership.
    12. Submit all of your known Concur/expense issues to JP for action. (ALL) Ongoing
    13. Send a doodle poll to determine a date for the next Zoom meeting. (Stan) Complete
    14. Send a doodle poll to determine a location for the Strategic Planning meeting. (Stan) Complete


  1. Standing Items:
    1. Bargaining Update (Rob Scott & Josianne Drouin)

Rob advised that the Bargaining Report will be posted on the Group Drive soon. The last IT Bytes was slow to produce due mainly to the lack of time and trying to fit in some vacation time, Rob is pretty much back on track. IT Bytes #6 will be sent to Linda for translation and transmission to the membership; it has already been posted as a draft version on the IT Group website and linked to Facebook.

The SBC will be meeting virtually in August and then in-person in September, we will be pushing for the solidarity pact.

Lunch & Learn presentations will need some fresh information to share and we will update our decks.

Josianne – the pay analysis is still ongoing. Data issues are slowing things down a bit but we hope to have the analysis done shortly so we can start the deep dive for our negotiations. Gender neutral language has just a couple outstanding items and we should have the final version for review in September.

Stan – We would like to have two (2) types of info sessions, a full presentation and a short “20-minute” update with just the most recent pertinent information. Subgroup Presidents were updated after the last round.

I inquired as to why our first choice to represent us at a possible Central Table was not chosen and was advised that our submission of the two names did not indicate any weight attached to either name and they chose Matt Vanner to round out the younger members on the team.

Karim – I understand the delay due to vacations, perhaps we should add an extra half-day to each session to draft the Bytes – A: We normally do have an extra day but this time we ended up working right to the last hour, it should be better moving forward.

Yvonne – Hopes that pay is tabled in September, we are starting to lose the advantage of being a year ahead. We need to demonstrate our resolve to our members. I am wondering when we might see the final report from Jason, September hopefully, so we don’t miss the boat entirely. A lot of information is being pulled together on Contracting Out to support our pay demands, but we need assistance from the Research section, or liberation for Yvonne. Josianne and Yvonne have agreed to meet within the next couple weeks to fully discuss these points.

Rob – There are a lot of factors to consider before we can table our pay demands, not the least of which is getting permission from PIPSC. Rob asked Yvonne for more information on strategies (they will discuss off-line).


ACTION ITEM (Rob S & Yvonne): Meet to discuss COAT information and pay strategies.


Karim – understands why PIPSC might delay the pay proposals; they are waiting to see how the larger PSAC tables are received by TBS.

Rob – we also need to wait for TBS to agree to receive our pay proposal.

Josianne – We are pushing TBS to be ready to discuss pay in September. Ryan is to make a presentation to the SBC on August 19 and there should be no problem being ready to discuss pay in September.


    1. Strategic Planning Update (Stan)

Stan is working with JP to prepare an agenda and have asked David Yasbeck and Jenn Carr if we could enlist Denise Doherty-Delorme to assist with the Strategic Planning. We should continue with the “next steps” from last year. We need to re-identify our critical priorities.

As suggested at our Subgroup Presidents’ Meeting, we should restructure how we conduct our meetings to get better input from the subgroup presidents before we hold our strategic planning moving forward. Perhaps we could reach out to our SG Presidents this year and then formalize the process for future years.

Yvonne – The SG Presidents were asked for input but we have not received anything.

Lucille – Can we broadcast a message to the SG Presidents to ask for input and assure them that they will be formally included in the next strategic planning process?


ACTION ITEM (Stan & Lucille): Formulate a message and reach out to the subgroup presidents to ask for input and assure them they will be formally included in subsequent strategic planning processes.


  1. Visibility (Pierre)

Red Planet has submitted a quote for bandanas wit the new logo; 1000 bandanas at $4.49 each for a total of $5,073.70 (taxes incl.)


MOVED: Pierre Touchette            SECONDED: Deb Butler

THAT we purchase 1000 bandanas with the new logo at a cost of $5,073.70.



  1. PIPSC AGM (Patricia)

All delegate selections are completed and have been forwarded to PIPSC. As delegates cancel, they are being replaced with IT members from the wait list.

All extra meeting rooms and the hospitality suite have been booked.


  1. New Business:
  1. IT Group & Subgroups Name Change

Stéphane requested an update on the process being followed and the current status.

Tony explained that the Group bylaws have been updated with the name change (only) and forwarded to the BLPC for review and they have forwarded the revisions to the PIPSC BoD. The changes should have been approved at the last BoD meeting – Tony will follow-up with the BLPC and BoD. The changes for all Subgroups (who currently have bylaws) will be done secretarially and,  as they are translated, they will be posted on the PIPSC website – nothing needs to be done by the subgroup, as was explained to them at the SG Presidents’ meeting. Once this process is completed, Tony will coordinate with PIPSC Communications and IT to start updating the Group and subgroup names on the PIPSC website. Changes are being completed on the Group webpages as I identify them.


ACTION ITEM (Tony): Follow-up with the BLPC and BoD to confirm that the Group Bylaw revisions have been approved and the name changes are on track.


Tamara asked how the name change will affect the financial aspects of the Group and each Subgroup. For example, each Subgroup has a chequing account that still displays their name as a CS Subgroup. Tony agreed to look into this.


ACTION ITEM (Tony): Follow-up with the PIPSC Finance to determine what process, if any, is required for each Subgroup to update their financial information.




  1. Return to the Workplace (Tony)

Tony asked for a quick roundtable for each member to describe how the new hybrid workplace is being implemented in their department.

The discussion identified that each department/agency is implementing the new hybrid workplace initiative differently. The described implementations range from “no mandatory return to the workplace” to returning once a month if required to returning two days per week and finally to returning full-time (5 days per week). Some also indicated that their department has not yet decided or communicated how it will be implemented.

It is expected that some GoC employees will start applying for jobs in departments that offer more flexibility in the option to work from home.


  1. Concur/Expenses

Stan – The 70% “automatic” payout is confusing, especially if you have multiple claims in the system, because you don’t know which claims are being covered. They should have asked first if you want the advance or are you willing to wait until the system catches up. Slowly the Finance Section is getting back on track but right now it’s a total mess.

Yvonne – created a spreadsheet to assist in tracking her claims and advised that Finance will assist in tracking your claims.

Karim – the Concur system does not show any advance for the claims being paid. Perhaps members should formally request and advance if they cannot wait.

Tamara – Finance is checking every line item on every claim instead of performing spot checks. Also, what will be done about interest charged to the members on their claims (credit cards).

Josianne – will present these concerns to the next Negotiations meeting.

Stan mentioned that we are all frustrated but Robert Tellier and several others indicated that they were not frustrated.


  1. Executive Reports: All Reports Verbal
    1. President (Stan): Verbal report – will follow up with a written report.


ACTION ITEM (Stan): Complete written report and share it on the Group Drive.


    1. Vice-President (Pierre): Nothing further to report.


    1. Steering Committee/Secretary (Tony): All approved Executive minutes are translated and posted on the PIPSC Website.


APPROVED BY STEERING COMMITTEE: THAT we reimburse Lucille Shears for the purchase of a new printer with an eco-tank (as opposed to print cartridges) at a total cost of $396.16.


    1. Bargaining / Negotiations (Rob): See above.


  1. NOC/ROC- Mobilization (Deb): Training will be scheduled for August 2nd and the invitation/link will be sent to the NOC/ROC tomorrow (Jul 27).

Stéphane – what has been done or is being done for member engagement?

Stan - This will be further flushed out at the Strategic Planning meeting.

Yvonne – the new BoD is working well with the AC and has a full-day joint meeting to address this very issue. It is also implementing the new Steward Framework.

Robert T – The Quebec team is starting to re-engage the members in Quebec with the assistance of the PIPSC mobilization section (Cat).


ACTION ITEM (Robert T): Share any documents/information provided on the new member re-engagement initiative.


    1. Communications (Tony): The website is being continually updated and links to the new virtual backgrounds and logos are now on the website.


    1. Subgroup Officer (Lucille): No further update.


    1. Steward Officer (Patricia): No further update.


  1. Membership Officer (Patricia) – No further update.


  1. Labour Relation & Consultation Officer (Yvonne) - Verbal report – will follow up with a written report.


  1. Contracting Out Officer (Yvonne) – Verbal report – will follow up with a written report.


ACTION ITEM (Yvonne): Complete written report and share it on the Group Drive.


    1. Classification (Karim) – No further update.


  1. Other Business/Roundtable: All other business will be discussed at the Strategic Planning Meeting.



  1. Next Meeting(s): Strategic Planning Meeting, August 22 & 23, Montebello, QC.
  2. Adjournment :

MOVED: Deb Butler         SECONDED: Tony Goddard

THAT we adjourn at 17h01


Summary of Action Items

  1. Send your visibility item ideas to Pierre. (All)
  2. Meet to discuss COAT information and pay strategies. (Rob S & Yvonne)
  3. Formulate a message and reach out to the subgroup presidents to ask for input and assure them they will be formally included in subsequent strategic planning processes. (Stan & Lucille)
  4. Follow-up with the BLPC and BoD to confirm that the Group Bylaw revisions have been approved and the name changes are on track. (Tony)
  5. Follow-up with the PIPSC Finance to determine what process, if any, is required for each Subgroup to update their financial information. (Tony)
  6. Complete written report and share it on the Group Drive. (Stan)
  7. Share any documents/information provided on the new member re-engagement initiative. (Robert T)
  8. Complete written report and share it on the Group Drive.(Yvonne)