Centre Sheraton Hotel, Montreal

Salon 1, level 2



  1. Present : Stan Buday, Pierre Touchette, Yvonne Snaddon, Tamara Critch, Patricia Williams, Deb Butler, Rob Scott, Tony Goddard, Robert Tellier, Stéphane Aubry, Lucille Shears, Steven Fréchette
  2. Via Zoom: JP Leduc
  3. Regrets: Karim Chaganni
  4. Observer: Clement Chan
  1. Welcome: Pierre called the meeting to Order at 09h15.


  1. Adoption of Agenda:

Moved: Pierre Touchette                   Seconded: Patricia Williams

THAT the Agenda be adopted as presented.                       



  1. Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting(s):

Moved: Tony Goddard                       Seconded: Patricia Williams

THAT the minutes of 11 October 2022 be approved as presented. 



  1. Business Arising from the minutes/Action Items:

JULY 26th

  1. Send your visibility item ideas to Pierre. (All) Complete
  1. Price the identified visibility items (retractor kit, flags, table runner) and report back to the Executive. (Pierre) Complete
  1. Set up reservations for the Outgoing Executive Dinner. (Stan) to be discussed today
  1. Provide a list of all N/A members and request PIPSC Membership to assign them to a subgroup. IF they are outside a subgroup boundary, assign them to the closest, revise boundaries of SG and advise them that meetings will be virtual (no transportation to be paid). Once this exercise is complete then review remaining “orphans” and discuss solutions. (Lucille) Ongoing

Lucille is waiting to hear back from PIPSC membership (see the SG Officer Report). From the last report, there are 1043 members not in a subgroup and Lucille has requested, with suggestions, to have these members attached to a SG. Also there are 2,137 Rands so we desperately need a Rand drive. These are both good items to discuss at our SG Presidents’ meeting.

Patricia has been doing Rand drives and the result is that more than 500 members have signed membership cards. There are many RCMP members who are refusing to sign until they are deemed.

Yvonne suggested that we can ask Gurbinder Dhillon (Bargaining Team) to reach out to the RCMP members.

Stan stated that many SG Presidents frequently reach out to Rands, as do many Regions, Branches and Consultation Teams.

ACTION ITEM (Lucille): Set up a session with the SG Presidents to discuss these issues.

  1. Submit all of your known Concur/expense issues to JP for action. (ALL) Complete – if you are still having issues, please submit them to JP and Linda Rochefort.
  1. Meet to discuss COAT information and pay strategies. (Rob S & Yvonne) – Ongoing
  1. Formulate a message and reach out to the subgroup presidents to ask for input and assure them they will be formally included in subsequent strategic planning processes. (Stan & Lucille) Ongoing – (see the SG Officer Report)

Lucille to include this on the SGP meeting agenda.

Stan mentioned that we should also bring them up to speed on where our current priorities are.

  1. Follow-up with the BLPC and BoD to confirm that the Group Bylaw revisions have been approved and the name changes are on track. (Tony) Complete: The Group Bylaw changes have been approved by the BoD and all submitted SG Bylaws have been approved. With staffing changes and shortages at PIPSC, we are experiencing delays in getting items posted to the PIPSC website but these are now being expedited. 

Robert T has reviewed our current bylaws and will share with Tony & Pierre but is not recommending any amendments at this time.

Stan suggested that we should set up a ½ day meeting to review the bylaws quickly (Stan, Pierre, Robert, Tony).      

Yvonne mentioned that there will be possible BL changes with any election procedure changes.

  1. Follow-up with the PIPSC Finance to determine what process, if any, is required for each Subgroup to update their financial information. (Tony) Complete

Tony sent and email to PIPSC Finance (Sherri & Didier) 2022-08-03 - Finance to further investigate and will advise but for the present time we continue the use of “CS Group” cheques and accounts.


  1. Complete written report and share it on the Group Drive. (Stan) Complete.
  1. Share any documents/information provided on the new member re-engagement initiative. (Robert T) Ongoing. Robert to reach out to Denis Caissy.
  1. Complete written report and share it on the Group drive.(Yvonne) Complete: Report posted to website.

OCT 11th

  1. Send suggestions for visibility items to Pierre ASAP. (All) Ongoing
  1. Compare the delegates list with our NOC/ROC members and canvas them at the October 14th event then decide whether the NOC/ROC needs to meet after the PIPSC AGM. (Stan) Completed at the Oct 14th NOC-ROC meeting.
  •  Create and post the Exec Volunteer Spreadsheet. (Patricia) Complete – on Google drive.
  1. Standing Items

MOVED: Robert Tellier        SECONDED: Stéphane Aubry

THAT we move to closed session.


  1. Bargaining Update (Rob & JP)
  2. COAT Report (Yvonne)

MOVED: Tamara Critch   SECONDED: Tony Goddard

THAT we exit the closed session.


Health Break

    1. Strategic Planning Update (Stan)

Stan reported that one team has met to complete their tasks. He requested that the other two teams complete their work and report back to the Executive at the next meeting.

Yvonne asked for the executive to please review the timelines in the spreadsheets and adjust if necessary.

Yvonne advised that she has provided Karim a callout letter for Young Professionals.

    1. Visibility (Pierre)

Pierre advised that he sent the executive an email yesterday that outlined the items already received and which items he would be distributing to members and subgroups at the PIPSC AGM.

  1. New Business
    1. Complete AGM Resolutions Review (All) Completed at meeting: 10 November 2022
    1. IT Group Membership Mobilization Database (Stéphane) See report: Proposition CS Group engagement system

Stéphane – proposed that we take control of our own engagement list so we will have a better understanding of who is active for our causes, etc. We can use Nation Builder to engage our members.

Lucille – preparing a separate list could be in violation of the CNFPA. Lucille will provide the article.

Pierre – this was discussed many years ago with the NOC/ROC as a tool to engage members. The big issue right now is communication with our members. We do not have an “always fresh” list of our members and where they are located.

Robert – how do we keep these new tools current. With the new BoD, do we need to do this on our own, or should we work with the new BoD and redirected staff. We need to sit with the BoD and determine what we can do WITH PIPSC Communications. We need to address these issues with the office of the President and take control of our communications section to deliver our messages.

Yvonne – We need to set and maintain firm timelines. We also need to review the CNFPA and perhaps get some guidance from Legal so we can get personal email addresses. One of the intents of our website was to get our member addresses. If Nation Builder is being phased out at PIPSC, can we be involved in the replacement tools. We need to also keep all of our processes (SOPs) documented.

Stan – suggests to Eva that the comms task force also ask for a member or 2 from the AC to relay experiences of the Groups, etc. Stan declared that he has an issue with the revised name of the Mobilization Section to “Political Action and Engagement” since it implies a focus on political action as opposed to mobilization. Stan likes the idea of being able to better target our activists and maintain those lists.

JP – we should make sure that all of our needs and wants are put on paper so we can formally make a request to PIPSC and ask PIPSC to correct what we see as the issues holding us back.

Patricia - our membership lists are very difficult to keep current since we are relying on Departments to send us information

Lucille fully supports the maintenance of a membership listing but we should not be maintaining this list; PIPSC should. Let’s work with the Communications Task Force and see if we can solve these problems. We don’t have the time, as volunteers, to keep these active.

Stéphane stated that PIPSC has a good membership list. The email addresses we get from PIPSC (work email) are not properly tested since PIPSC uses a “preferred” email address. Nation Builder can also track member involvement including activity on social media, email reads, etc. We would be able to target information or requests to a narrower audience and improve engagement.

Stan – work vs preferred email is an issue since we have no idea what the preferred email address is and we need that information too. We already create our own lists. We all agree that our #1 issue is member engagement. We need to get our act together – what happens if the next federal election changes our realities.

Eva Henshaw reported that many issues around communications were raised and spurred the creation of the Communications Task Force. Meetings are being held around the identified issues and how to address them. We have met with the Communications Section twice now and asked them to address these issues. There was a lot of initial resistance from Communications to make changes. We identified the approval process for an email to be sent by PIPSC – TOO MANY STEPS. Recommendations: emails will be approved by the BoD and priorities will be set by the BoD. Communications will be divided into Externals (newspapers, TBS, etc.) and Internals (PIPSC) – All internal email shall be more controlled by the Constituent Body that the member is part of (Group, Region, etc.). Staff will still be involved in internal email; they will coordinate the sending of the message but shall not change the message. We are already noting that emails are starting to go out of vogue with younger members. The web site is being redesigned and will primarily be directed to external eyes. Members will be able to customize how they see information on our website. This work has started and vision has been communicated to the PIPSC IT Section. New functionality is necessitating the replacement of Nation Builder with a new tool that we hope to have in place by the end of 2023. Staff is starting to be more collaborative.

Robert asked if plans/recommendations can be shared with Group Presidents for their comments. Eva answered with a strong YES.

Yvonne expressed concern with the timelines for implementation since IT is so busy and priorities are elsewhere.

Stan stated his concern with censorship; like during our last round of bargaining. There is a definite problem with Communications use of standard templates.

Stéphane's concern is that centralization may not always be the best solution.

Stan – we need the ability to connect with our activists.

Eva – thank you for all the insights. The BoD feel that the staff needs to heed the direction of the active members of the Institute as directed by the BoD.

    1. RANDS and IT Group (Patricia)

Rand drives will continue in the New Year and I am thinking of a possible draw to entice them to sign. 500+ Rands have signed up since starting the drives. Will copy the SG Presidents on the next letter so we can keep them in the loop.

    1. Organizing Meetings and Information (Patricia) 

Please be clearer when meeting notices are sent. Ask Linda to make it clear (BOLD LETTERS) that the meeting is intended for a specific audience ex. Bargaining Team Only.

Deb When you register for a meeting in Cvent and you do not get a confirmation email; call Linda to get it fixed.

Yvonne – Asked if we could have an engagement event at the SGP meeting in Victoria and meet some of the local IT members. A definite possibility.

    1. Election Terms (Yvonne)

Item from Strat planning meeting – No issues forseen with Robert & Tamara swapping terms (2 vs 3 years) – Must be posted on website.

Moved: Robert Tellier            Seconded: Tamara Critch

THAT after the results of the last IT Executive Elections, Robert chooses to fill the 2-year term and Tamara to fill the 3-year term. Both have agreed to this change in term.


ACTION ITEM (Yvonne & Tony): Draft and post a notice to the members advising of the term-swap.

    1. IT Subgroup Membership Issue(s) (Lucille)

Moved: Lucille Shears           Seconded: Robert Tellier

THAT we move to closed session.


Moved: Lucille Shears           Seconded: Pierre Touchette

THAT we leave closed session.


  1. Reports
    1. President (Stan) – Report on the Group Drive
    2. Vice-President (Pierre) – Report given earlier.
    3. Treasurer (Deb) – we have lots of money!! $189K

Yvonne – the BoD has set limits for internet & phone expenses

ACTION ITEM (Stan): Request a presentation/consultation at the AC on the potential new policies on constituent body spending (internet, phone, equipment, etc.).

    1. Steering Committee & Secretary (Tony) Nothing new to report.
    2. Bargaining (Rob/JP) – Report given earlier
    3. NOC/ROC- (Robert) - Thank you Deb for doing the work of the NOC   

Need to develop a new tool – show your colours is not working well – maybe a quickly organized NOC meeting could brainstorm this item.

  1. Communications – (Tony) – Please submit your reports and website updates.
    1. Subgroup Officer (Lucille) Report on the Group Drive - We may have a member to help with Bathurst. Invite has been sent to Jenn Carr to attend in Victoria Have also asked Eva to attend.
    1. Steward Officer (Steven) - 8 resignations, 11 new and 13 applications.
    1. Membership Officer (Patricia) report on drive
    1. Labour Relation & Consultation Officer & Contracting Out (Yvonne)  Report on the Group Drive
    1. ITYPC (Karim) Absent
  1. Other Business & Round Table

Tamara has compiled a list of awards and the last award given was in 2018. There used to be an awards committee and recommend an awards committee be re-established. Tamara to provide a list.

            Moved: Pierre Touchette       Seconded: Tony Goddard

THAT the Award Committee be re-established and that Tamara Critch be appointed as Committee Chair. Tamara will find the volunteers needed for the committee.


  1. Next meeting(s):
    • NOC Meeting Dec 15th (hybrid)
    • Executive Dinner – Dec 18th  (to be organized by Stan)
    • Executive meeting - Dec 19th
  1.       Adjournment:  16h35

Summary of Action Items

  1. Set up a session with the SG Presidents to discuss these issues (Rands & orphans). (Lucille)
  2. Draft and post a notice to the members advising of Robert’s & Tamara’s term-swap. (Tony & Yvonne)
  3. Draft new wording for the affected subgroup bylaws to reflect the changes agreed to by the IT Executive. (Tony)
  4. Request a presentation/consultation at the AC on the potential new policies on constituent body spending (internet, phone, equipment, etc.). (Stan)