June 2, 2024 - 9 am to 5 pm Et

Hilton Lac Leamy – Salle l’executif

Present: Deb Butler, Tamara Critch, Lucille Shears, Gordon Bulmer, Karim Chaggani, Rob Scott, Patricia Williams, Denis Caissy, Stéphane Aubry, Yvonne Snaddon, Tony Goddard, Stan Buday, Pierre Touchette

Staff:  JP Leduc, Robert Séguin

  1. Welcome – Stan called the meeting to order at 9h08.  Welcome all to the meeting before the 2023 IT AGM and welcome Gord Bulmer back to the Executive. I am looking forward to tomorrow’s meeting. We also have a dinner with the delegates tonight from 19h00 to 21h00 followed by hospitality from 21h00 to 23h00. I am looking for volunteers from the executive to help serve wine at the bar.
  2. Adoption of Agenda

MOVED: Tony Goddard                 Seconded: Deb Butler

That the agenda be approved as presented.


  1. Approval of Minutes of Last meeting

Moved: Gordon Bulmer                Seconded: Deb Butler

That all discussion(s) on bargaining be considered in “Closed Session” (redacted) in the official minutes.


MOVED: Tony Goddard                 Seconded: Patricia Williams

That the minutes of 13 May 2023 be approved as amended.


  1. Business Arising from the minutes/Action Items

1) Stephane has volunteered to draft the motion to include Group representation at the BoD and BoD Committees. (Stephane) The Motion on the google drive in the resolutions folder of the previous meeting (13 May 2023)

The main revision is a change to the number directors for the NCR (reducing to 3) and add one each for the 3 largest Groups. Gordon responded that it will likely be recommended that it is referred to the AC. It will generate a lot of grief from NCR and all the smaller groups. Yvonne we need to enshrine support for the smaller groups. Stan would be happy adding the four (4) largest groups to the BoD with status quo, thereby increasing BoD membership to 18. Not concerned about adding extra positions to the Board; this way may get support from the NCR. Deb & Pierre support Stan. Gordon would consider removing the AC Director from the board and rework that position. Yvonne – we should consider not using Group Presidents, due to the volume of travel of Group Presidents and travel for BoD meetings, etc. it may be too much. Tamara questioned if the Group rep to the Board should be elected like the other Directors. Tony suggested that they be elected like the AC director. Tony also recommended that the Executive work on the wording and revisit this motion at our next Executive meeting approve/reject for recommendation to the PIPSC AGM. Lucille would like to address how the AC Director is elected.

Stéphane will work to integrate the recommendations from this discussion and will rewrite the resolution and share the revisions secretarially for approval before Sept 3rd. Yvonne the AC Director represents smaller groups Stan suggested we combine Separate Agencies & Smaller Groups. Gord asked if there is any value in reaching out to the smaller groups for support and how to include them in the discussion. Stan will reach out to the smaller group presidents. How do we define smaller groups?

2) Draft a special IT Bytes JUST to RANDs with link to PIPSC member application page. (Tony & Rob) ONGOING

It was recommended that we add a link to the IT website in IT Bytes.

3) Write up our concerns around RTO and DTA. There is talk that the ADM bonuses are linked to the number of people who have returned to the office (Pierre) ONGOING Pierre will draft a document for the Executive.

4) Organize a photo opportunity at the IT AGM with all delegates, up to 10 placards will be required. (Yvonne & JP) Done We will gather on the stairs and take a few photos during the AGM.

5) Investigate the cost of drink options for the AGM Dinner - drink tickets, wine, etc. (Patricia) Done Cash Bar wine with dinner.

6) Determine how we should be submitting our telephone & internet expenses for reimbursement. (Deb) See agenda item 6.b


  1. Standing Items / Points permanents
    1. Bargaining Update (Rob & JP)

MOVED: Yvonne Snaddon            SECONDED: Gordon Bulmer

That we move into closed session for the Bargaining Update


SBC – Central table has a deal but details are still confidential. There is no money involved in this deal. Rob was curious who added this item – Yvonne did. Heard from a member from the CT that the Rob suggested that

An update was given by JP & Rob that a TA was reached by the CT

Bargaining Update – see IT Bytes – this week coming we are meeting TB and expect that this will be our final negotiation session with TBS – deal or no deal – possible move to arbitration.

MOVED: Pierre Touchette            SECONDED: Tamara Critch

That we leave the closed session.


Discussion around the determination of our members’ wants and needs – It was suggested that we survey our members to re-establish our list of priorities. We should also survey the Subgroup Presidents. Patricia announced that she would like to conduct both a Rand Drive and a Steward Survey later this year.

ACTION ITEM: send IT Survey questions to Tony for consolidation. (ALL)

Lucille led a discussion around promoting the Group, especially to new members and Rands. It was determined we should refresh the pamphlets (trifold and larger CA booklet) for distribution to our new members and the Subgroup Presidents. Update the content and change graphics to reflect our new Group name. When meeting our members we should be leaving them with the basic information, such as our website address. Common look and feel business cards should be requested from PIPSC printing services.

ACTION ITEM: Develop a draft Business Card - Stéphane has some templates (Yvonne)


2. Strategic Planning Update & Review (Stan) A full review of the spreadsheet is needed and work to be completed before the August Strategic Planning meeting should be identified.

We stepped through the spreadsheet and Tamara completed changes as we reviewed.

3. Visibility (Pierre) – listed many items for consideration.

4. Return to Office (Exec) Although we had no discussion at this meeting, the Executive was reminded to keep this at the top of their priorities and bring back any issues for discussion on an ongoing basis.


  1. New Business / Nouvelles affaires
    1. Navigar (Lora Ricci)

A Presentation was provided to the meeting by Lora Ricci, Salah Bazina, Charles Jaimet & Kyle Allen

2. Claims for Internet & Phone (Deb) – Deb deferred to Tony, and he explained the process currently in place when claiming through Concur, including the approval step for each constituent body to approve the claim before it is paid. It should be noted that if the claim is processed (paid) it will be charged back to the constituent body. Karim wants to invite finance to a meeting to answer questions. It was suggested that we continue our process until Concur has been fully tested. Patricia highlighted the fact that doing monthly claims in Concur, at $17 per claim, was expensive and a waste of Institute funds. Lucille wants to send our President to meet with Finance and that recommend that all treasurers get the proper chance to consult. Yvonne suggested we ask this to be addressed at the next AC. Gordon stated that no Branch or SG should be required to pay for Cell or Internet. Consensus to continue our current process.

3. Motion to PIPSC AGM for Group Representation at the Board of Directors (Stéphane) see item 4)a).

​​​​​​​4. IT Group Stewards (Tamara) We need to start a Steward Drive and requested that we add a steward recruitment link on our IT Bytes, etc.

​​​​​​​5. Member Request to Change Scholarship Rules (Pierre) – Pierre does not support the idea. Gordon – this can be referred to Stacy Mclaren (Legacy Chair) Tamara – does not support, needs a resolution to the PIPSC AGM. Rob – should be referred to President of PIPSC does not support, should be for youth Stéphane – Legacy supports “next generation” – must be handled by Board of Legacy Foundation (NFP)

ACTION ITEM:  Reply to member. (Stan)

​​​​​​​6. Laptop replacement (Karim)

MOVED: Deb Butler        Seconded: Tamara Critch

That we authorize Karim to replace his laptop at a maximum cost of $1,500.00 (including all software and taxes).


  1. Reports (Refer Reports folder in AGM Virtual Drive))
    1. President (Stan)
    2. Vice-President (Pierre)
    3. Treasurer (Deb)
    4. Steering Committee & Secretary (Tony)
    5. Bargaining (Rob/JP)
    6. NOC/ROC- Mobilization (Deb)                                                  
    7. Communications (Tony)
    8. Subgroup Officer (Lucille)
    9. Steward Officer  (Tamara)
    10. Membership Officer (Patricia)
    11. Labour Relation & Consultation Officer & Contracting Out Officer (Yvonne)
    12. ITYPC (Karim)
  2. Other business & Roundtable

Lucille – Stan & Lucille to work with SG presidents to on Strategic Planning – if using the SG Pres list on Drive please use new one.

Tamara – Halifax area in evacuation – at least 2 members have lost their homes in the fires – possibly more.

Stan – Hospitality in Royal Suite 2024 – we need exec participation.

  1. Next meeting – Strategic Planning AUG 18, 19 – Wakefield // Kingston // Collingwood // Prince Edward County
  2. Adjournment 16h07