The IT National Executive is looking for volunteers to join the new IT Group Young Professionals Advisory Committee.

All IT Group members in good standing are welcome to put their names forward, but preference will be given to members under 40 years of age. Ideally, the committee will consist of 5 to 7 young professionals, from different regions across the country, plus the IT Group Young Professionals Officer.  The IT Group Executive may also select 2 friends of the committee. (See note below).

As a member of the IT Group Young Professionals Advisory Committee, your role is to:

  • further the professional interests of the members
  • protect the status and standards of our profession
  • represent the views of the members on matters affecting them
  • ensure that the interests of the Group are represented in all proceedings of the employer and of the union

Submit your nomination by January 6, 2022 using the form below.

Members are encouraged to participate in this union leadership opportunity. Please disconnect from the government's VPN and use a personal device in order to ensure the form loads.

FRIENDS OF THE COMMITTEE:  Friends of Committee receive notices of meetings,
agendas and minutes of meetings, and may submit their comments and suggestions on
items being discussed by their Committee. Friends of Committees are not members of
the Committee. As such, they do not form part of a quorum nor can they vote in the
deliberations of the Committee.

Friends of a Committee are not entitled to compensatory salary or the reimbursement of
travel expenses. However, they may attend meetings as Observers if the meeting is in
their area, and they may zoom into meetings.