Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

CS Montreal-Metro Sub-Group

Annual General Meeting

October 20, 2021


Meeting Minutes


(Translated from French)


In Attendance:

Hugo Landry

Denis Hudon

Miguel Daraîche-Leblanc

Philippe Marazzani

Huguette Oukouomi

Renaud Guiard

Pierre Gauthier

Christian Roy

Stuart A. Spence














Guest: Stéphane Aubry

Miguel Daraîche-Leblanc, President of CSMMSG, is appointed President of the meeting.

Philippe Marazzani, Secretary of the CSMMSG, is appointed Secretary of the meeting.

The President opens the AGM by welcoming those present.

  1. Approval of the Agenda
    1. The President presents the agenda and asks if any amendments are required.
    2. Hugo suggests adding the topic of vaccination, which will be presented by Stéphane Aubry. The subject is added to New Business while New Business is moved after the election.
    3. Hugo Landry moves the approval of amended agenda. Seconded by Miguel Daraîche-Leblanc.
    4. The President asks if anyone requests a vote.
    5. Agenda is carried unanimously.
  2. Opening Remarks
    1. CSMMSG Executive Members Introduction
        • Miguel Daraîche-Leblanc, President
        • Denis Hudon, Vice-President
        • Philippe Marazzani, Secretary
        • Jean-Pierre Lavoie, Member-at-Large
        • Hugo Landry, Member-at-Large
        • Huguette Oukouomi, Member-at-Large
    2. Guest Introduction

The President introduces our guest, Stéphane Aubry, Vice-President of PIPSC.

  1. Approval of the 2019 AGM Minutes
    1. The President asks if any amendments are required. No amendments are requested.
    2. Denis moves the approval of the 2019 AGM Minutes.
    3. Seconded by Hugo Landry.
    4. The President asks if anyone requests a vote.
    5. Minutes are carried unanimously.
  2. Business Arising from Previous Minutes
    1. The President does not report any matters arising from the previous minutes.
  3. President’s Report

The President reports on activities since 2019. The sub-group was on a roll with 6 brown bag information sessions at several sites, Happy Hours and the AGM. With this momentum, the group was in negotiations and COVID arrived in 2020. Meetings were banned and everyone was forced to work from home. Nothing happened in 2020. Then, in 2021, we held 2 brown bag information sessions on Zoom, one with Robert Tellier and the other with Stéphane Aubry. We’ve seen a great deal of demobilization by members who have not been seen since 2019. On the other hand, we have a nice war chest since the books have been well kept. We would have liked to hold the AGM in the spring of 2020, but that was prohibited, and we hadn’t yet received authorization to hold virtual meetings. To obtain its allowance, the sub-group had to hold its AGM before October 31.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

The President presents the Treasurer’s report on the screen.

    1. Financial statements. No expenses since 2019 and no income except bank interest.
    2. 2021 Budget
    3. The President asks if there are any questions or amendments required. No amendments are requested, no questions are asked.
    4. Pierre Gauthier moves the approval of the 2021 financial statements and budget.
    5. Seconded by Hugo Landry.
    6. The President asks if anyone requests a vote.
    7. Financial statements and budget are carried unanimously.
  1. Elections
    1. The President asks for the help of someone whose position is not up for election to preside over the election. Stéphane Aubry is appointed returning officer.
    2. The returning officer asks if any email applications have been received. The secretary says no. He then explains the roles of the positions up for election and asks if there are any questions. No questions.
    3. President (3 years): Denis Hudon stands as a candidate. There are no other candidates. Acclaimed.
    4. Vice-President (2 years): Hugo Landry stands as a candidate. There are no other candidates. Acclaimed.
    5. Treasurer (1 year): Pierre Gauthier stands as a candidate. C
    6. Secretary (3 years): There are no candidates. The Secretary position is vacant.
    7. Members-at-Large, 3 positions (3 years): Huguette Oukouomi stands as a candidate. There are no other candidates. Acclaimed. Two Members-at-Large positions for 3-year terms are vacant.
    8. Members-at-Large, 2 positions (2 years): There are no candidates. Three Members-at-Large positions for 2-year terms are vacant.
  2. New Business

The President reports no new business, leaving the floor to Stéphane Aubry, who will give us important information about employer-mandated vaccination and the Institute’s position.


  1. Miscellaneous
    1. The President thanks Stéphane Aubry for the information he shared on mandatory vaccination.
    2. Hugo Landry mentions, as a member of the National Elections Committee, that it’s time for the PIPSC elections at national level. He asks everyone to vote.
    3. The President asks if anyone else wishes to speak. No one comes forward.
    4. Miguel Daraîche-Leblanc says he did not stand as a candidate for the election of the sub-group. He is retiring from active union involvement after 10 great years. He is proud of the achievements of the teams he has worked with. He adds that Philippe Marazzani is also retiring from the union.
    5. Renaud Guiard thanks Miguel and Philippe for their involvement.
    6. Denis Hudon also thanks Miguel and Philippe.

10. Adjournment

The President thanks the participants and declares the meeting closed.