December 3rd, 2024 - IT (formerly CS) Quinte Subgroup Executive Meeting

Location: Piper Arms, Belleville

Executives in Attendance:

Bevin Stephenson   President

Deb Butler                 Vice President

Kevin Brunet             Treasurer

Dan Weaver              Member-at-Large

Lisa Shears               Member-at-Large

Jamie Buell               Member-at-Large

Zarin Bari                   Member-at-Large

Doug Vye                  Member-at-Large


Hazra Hosein            Secretary

Denise Martin           Member-at-Large

Shelley Shanessy    Member-at-Large


Action By

  1. Opening Remarks – 5:41 pm


  1. Approval of Agenda

Moved – Bevin Stephenson

Seconded – Doug Vye

All in favour (AIF) - Carried


  1. Approval of Minutes
    Moved – Bevin Stephenson
    Seconded – Deb Butler
    AIF - Carried


  1.  Business Arising from the Minutes: 
    • Promotional Items Funding, $XXX.XX from reserve funds, requesting $XXX.XX from IT Group, $XXX.XX from this years funds for approx. $XXXX.XX total.
    • Member Outreach Swag from Red Planet Company, 75 items or less, 3 choices were shown, picked were 75 USB hubs and a 40 storage pouches.

Moved – Kevin Brunet
Seconded – Lisa Shears  
AIF - Carried


  1. Treasurer’s Report - Presented


  1. Winter Event Lunch and Learn Series
  1. Topic: PIPSC 101 (other topic suggestions:  Welcome new members, Information about bargaining, understanding the collective agreement, others as requested)
  2. Date Jan 14th, Trenton, and Jan 16th Belleville
  3. Moving funding for this to the branch once financing is approved. Awaiting word from Bridget Brawley


  1. New Business [All]
    a.  Discussion of a possible lunch and learn for informal succession planning. Discussion on stewards and consultation within IT Group.


  1. General Question / Round Table 


  1. Next Meeting (Feb, June, AGM, Sep, Dec + 1 discretionary)
    February 11th - tentative


  Deb Butler motioned to adjourn at 7:05 pm

AIF: Carried