Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of December 14, 2021



The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Quebec City NR Sub-Group (SG NR VQ) was
held at the restaurant Le Rascal located at 5050 Wilfrid-Hamel boulevard, Quebec City.

1. Welcome, Call to Order, Verification of Quorum and Opening Remarks
At 5:35 p.m., after verifying the quorum, President Patrick Lacoursiere declared the
meeting open. He welcomed the other five members present. The President introduced
the three members of the Executive Committee present, namely Mr. Omar Kali (Vice-
President), Mr. Jean-Luc Bedard (Treasurer) and Mr. Bernard Michaud (Secretary).
The other members present were:

• Mr. Robert Durocher, EN-ENG (DND)
• Mr. Guy Lachance, retired architect

2. Review of the Notice of Meeting
Since the notice of meeting was sent to all members by email, the President suggested
not reading it and no member objected.

3. Review and Approval of the Agenda
As the agenda was sent to all members by email, the President asked permission not to
read it. On a motion by Robert Durocher, seconded by Guy Lachance, the agenda was
adopted unanimously.

4. Review and Approval of the 2019 AGM Minutes
Since the 2019 AGM minutes were emailed to all members, the President asked
permission not to read them and asked the members present if they had any comments
or corrections. On a motion by Jean-Luc Bedard, seconded by Patrick Lacoursiere, the
minutes were approved unanimously.
Note: Due to the health situation in the fall of 2020, there was no AGM in that year; for
that reason, the minutes that were reviewed were those of 2019.

5. President’s Report
Patrick Lacoursiere briefly recalled the reasons why the Sub-Group was created and
presented the activities that have taken place since the last meeting in 2019. The
following is a summary of those activities:
• Discussion about a communication flowchart.
• Negotiation of the collective agreement – the current collective agreement will
expire on September 30, 2022.
• Discussion regarding the jobs’ descriptions for the ENG-4 and ENG-5 levels as it
relates to the description of standard jobs.
The goal for 2021-22 still includes addressing the inequity of job classification and
implementing a professional development and career progression plan for the
NR subgroup.

6. Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Jean-Luc Bedard presented the draft financial statements for the fiscal year
ending December 31, 2021, since some financial data are missing.
The financial statements that were presented were proposed on condition by Robert
Durocher and seconded by Omar Kali. It is understood that the acceptance of the
financial statements is conditional upon them being verified and accepted by the
Executive before their adoption, later in 2022.

7. Appointment of an Auditor
In the matter of the appointment of an auditor for the fiscal year 2021, after discussion,
it is proposed that Mr. Jean-Sebastien Binette be asked if he would accept this role. If he
does not agree to act in this capacity, Mr. Robert Durocher will agree to be appointed as
an auditor. On a motion by Patrick Lacoursiere, seconded by Omar Kali, it was
unanimously agreed to appoint either Jean-Sebastien Binette or Robert Durocher to this
position, for the fiscal year 2021.

8. Executive Committee Elections
The President asked the Assembly if there were any other members interested in serving
on the Executive Committee, but no new members came forward.
The four current members of the executive, Patrick Lacoursiere (president), Omar Kali
(vice-president), Jean-Luc Bedard (treasurer) and Bernard Michaud (secretary) were
therefore up for election.
Jean-Luc Bedard proposed Patrick Lacoursiere as President, and Omar Kali seconded. It
was unanimously accepted to keep Patrick Lacoursiere as president.
Bernard Michaud proposed Omar Kali as Vice-President, and Guy Lachance seconded. It
was unanimously accepted to keep Omar Kali as Vice-President.
Patrick Lacoursiere proposed Jean-Luc Bedard as Treasurer, and Bernard Michaud
seconded. It was unanimously accepted to keep Jean-Luc Bedard as Treasurer.
Robert Durocher proposed Bernard Michaud as Secretary, and Guy Lachance seconded.
It was unanimously accepted to keep Bernard Michaud as Secretary.
Omar Kali proposed Robert Durocher as a member of the Executive, and Jean-Luc
Bedard seconded. It was unanimously accepted to integrate Robert Durocher as a
member of the Executive.
For the coming fiscal year, the Executive Committee is therefore composed of the
following persons:

• Patrick Lacoursiere
• Omar Kali
• Jean-Luc Bedard
• Bernard Michaud
• Robert Durocher

9. Career Development and Progression
Jean-Luc Bedard made a PowerPoint presentation of the results of his work and of the
career development and progression file he presented to the senior management of
Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC Valcartier).
Jean-Luc is awaiting a response from DRDC Valcartier regarding his request. No response
date is currently known.
If the file evolves positively at DRDC Valcartier, the work and presentation prepared by
Jean-Luc could be used for other requests for career development and progression
within other federal departments in the Quebec region.

10. New Business
• Discussion regarding members’ interest in attending the Canadian NR Subgroup
Executive meeting
• Discussions regarding a possible date for the next AGM in 2022 The month of
November was suggested
• Discussions regarding virtual participation at future AGMs (with possible mixed
meetings – in person and virtual), to encourage members to attend the AGM

11. Closure of the Assembly
On a motion by Patrick Lacoursiere, seconded by Robert Durocher, the meeting was
adjourned at 9:25 p.m.