The National Research Council – Research Officers/Research Council Officers (NRC-RO/RCO) Group executive is seeking nominations for 8 vacancies on the executive. The term length, either 1-year or 2-year, will be decided at the first executive meeting following the elections. Once the vacancies are filled, the committee members will decide the named officer positions.

Submit your nomination by September 20, 2024 using the form below.


Members are encouraged to participate in this union leadership opportunity. Please disconnect from the government's VPN and use a personal device to ensure the form loads.

The nomination and election process are governed by our Group Constitution and By-Laws 7.1 to 7.3.6.

Here is a summary of the process:

  • Nominations must be supported by at least 2 Group members
  • Nominees may submit a short biographical sketch about themselves and why they want to be an executive member (maximum 200 words).  These bios will be posted and accessible to all voting members.
  • The Elections Committee will review the nominations to make sure nominees are eligible
  • If the number of nominees exceeds the number of vacant positions, a vote will be held.

As a member of the group executive, your role is to:

  • further the professional interests of the members
  • protect the status and standards of our profession
  • represent the views of the members on matters affecting them
  • ensure that the interests of the Group are represented in all proceedings of the employer and of the union

This is a voluntary role, and you will be eligible for union leave to cover your salary to participate in union activities during regular work hours. The executive meets approximately 6 times per year, with a mix of virtual and in-person. In-person meetings are most often in Ottawa, but occasionally in other locations within Canada. You may be required to attend additional meetings and/or to participate in other activities between formal sittings of the Executive.

In solidarity,

Rokib Hassan
Chair, NRC-RO/RCO Group Elections Committee, PIPSC