OSFI Bargaining Update #2, December 2018

Your bargaining team met November 30, 2018 to discuss the bargaining survey results. Members' level of participation and written comments are encouraging. Your continued support and engagement is essential in helping us draft proposals and determine priorities for this round of bargaining.

Based on some of the respondents' comments, we feel there is a need to clarify what we can and can't bring to the table as part of collective bargaining.

  1. Matters common to all the eighteen federal public service groups represented by PIPSC are being addressed by the PIPSC Central Bargaining Team process (Pay rules, family leave, workplace harassment, family day, duration of agreement and general economic increase). (http://www.pipsc.ca/labour-relations/collective-bargaining/central-bargaining-strength-in-numbers).
  2. Sick leave is addressed in the Employee Wellness Support Program (http://www.pipsc.ca/news-issues/sick-leave) being developed by PIPSC and the TBS Joint Steering Committee.
  3. Pension is governed by legislative process under the Public Service Superannuation Act (https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/P-36/FullText.html.)
  4. Health, Dental and Disability Benefits are established through National Joint Council Directives (https://www.njc-cnm.gc.ca/directive/en) and not subject to collective bargaining.
  5. The Public Service Employment Act (https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/P-33.01/) prohibits Unions from negotiating Staffing (assignment of duties) and the Classification of positions within the bargaining unit.

Your team’s plan in December is to continue working with members to develop the bargaining package using the bargaining survey results and member engagement.  We are hosting three sessions for interested members to participate in discussions concerning priorities for negotiations:

December 7 - Ottawa

December 18 - Toronto

December 18 - Vancouver & Montreal (Video-Conference)

If you are interested in participating in one of these sessions, please contact your bargaining team at osfi_grp_barg_team@pipsc.ca 

Our goal is to work hard to reach a fair and equitable agreement within a reasonable time frame.