Retired Members Guild
Executive Meeting
April 6, 2017

250 Tremblay
Ottawa, Ontario





President Kinnear called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.  He welcomed everyone and stated that there was a very full agenda for the days meeting.


Pat moved adoption of the Agenda as amended, Seconded by Sue Ramsay. Motion Carried


Charlotte Strandlund moved approval of the December 15, 2016 minutes as amended to correct the spelling of Stephane Aubry’s name, Seconded by Sue Ramsay.  Motion Carried

3.1     BUSINESS ARISING from the December 15, 2016 minutes.

Page 2, point 3.1.3 Creation of Benefits committee, this item is ongoing

Page 2, point 3.1.4 RMG Archives History has been sent to Nita Savillle, this item is now completed.

Page 2, point 5.4 Protocol for listing Hospitality Rooms for future AGM’s. This has been completed and Steve Hindle will be handling this item for the next RMG AGM.


4.1    Future Direction of the Guild

The executive discussed producing a Survey to be sent to the retired members to get their feedback and ideas on where they see the Guild moving forward.  Why some members are staying after retirement and others choose to leave.

Sue Ramsay agreed to take the lead on this project and will work with PIPSC on next steps and the development of a Survey to be sent out to the retired members.

4.1.2    Status of Requests to Board of Directors
Our requests have been sent to the BOD but have not yet been actioned.

4.1.3    Retired Members Travel Insurance    

Elie spoke of Travel Insurance up to five million dollars and for periods of over forty days. A comparative analysis was carried out for Group Travel Insurance offered by PIPSC/Service Plus and NAFR (Medoc). The PIPSC Insurance is more advantages for retired members under 70 and therefore could be used for recruiting purposes. PIPSC does not offer Insurance for retirees over 70 and the NAFR Insurance is thus preferable.  Elie sent an email to Andrew Gize (Service Plus) to obtain information and statistics about the PIPSC Travel Insurance.


5.1    PRESIDENTS REPORT, is attached to these minutes.

Is attached to these minutes

Are attached to these minutes

Is attached to these minutes


 Will be kept as an evergreen document so that ideas, suggestions and changes can be made as the document evolves.  The document has now been sent out for translation.


Branches to now get funding for all regular and retired members, has been approved...

Marketing the guild was presented by Richard and Terry Sing,
Richard has developed a brochure, giving reasons on why retirees should continue to belong to PIPSC. The Information brochure address areas that are of interest to retirees.



8.    TREASURERS REPORT- Richard Rice

CASH FLOW STATEMENT, was provided to the Group.

RMG BUDGET 2017 AND 2016 AND ACTUALS AS OF MARCH 23, 2017, handout was provided to the group.

RICHARD RICE, moved acceptance of his Report, Seconded by Sue Ramsay.

Motion Carried.



Whereas;    the year end membership of the RMG for 2016 has declined by more than 500 paid members to 2,712 from the year end 2015;

Further;     Owing to the foregoing, a drop of about 15% is expected for our 2017 funding allotment from PIPSC;

Moreover;     continued spending by the RMG at the current rate will entirely deplete all its funds within in 3 years or less;

Be it Resolved     that all discretionary spending of the RMG, (e.g. – mobilization, unnecessary travel, recruitment, Better Together), which was not pre-approved, be suspended, pending a complete review of its budget for 2017;

Be It Further Resolved;     that the Finance Committee of the RMG present a revised budget to the RMG executive, for discussion, at its next regularly scheduled meeting.


Motion moved by Sue Ramsay, that the Treasurer Advise the President and Secretary of each Chapter to request their Chapter BMO account numbers to facilitate future electronic funds transfers. Seconded by Elie Ahad.

Motion Carried

Lunch Break at 12:15

Meeting resumed at 1:00

8.1 GTA Resolution to Increase Funding for the GTA Chapter, Mike Seiden    

Resolution to Increase Funding for the GTA Chapter was presented by Mike Seiden.  A copy of the motion was provided to all the Executive Members for their review and comments.  After much discussion by the RMG Executive it was agreed that a motion be put forward to defer the motion in order for the GTA to be able to make the appropriate changes to the revised document.

Motion moved by Richard Rice and Seconded by Sue Ramsay;

That the RMG Executive defer consideration of the Resolution to Increase Funding for the GTA Chapter until the GTA Chapter can provide a revised application conforming to the specifications that were provided to Mike Seiden by President Pat Kinnear in an email dated 25th January 2017, and;

That the GTA Chapter provide current information on their bank balance, and;

What the GTA REO funding is being spent on.

Motion: Carried.

9.0    Bill C-27 Update
    President Kinnear asked Nita Saville if she would send an email to all members on the RMG executive to request their concerns regarding Bill C-27 in response to a call out by Finance Minister Morneau for commentary on this controversial proposed legislation.

10.    RMG Elections
Committee members Richard Rice and Bill Giggie advised the notice of elections would be posted on PIPSC website shortly.

11.    New Business
  Al Dunbar resolution regarding Bylaws 7.1 and 7.2, was referred to the June 8, 2017 RMG Executive meeting

12.    Round Table
 Everyone was allowed time to make comments under Round Table.

13.    Next Meeting Dates

June 7, 2017 -     Vision Committee
June 8, 2017 – RMG Executive

14.    Meeting Adjourned at 3:45



Financial Audit -
Records to be reviewed by Terry Sing.   An audit should be done every year.  
Memberships gone down 3,200 to 2, 712 - 3 year no balance
A new budget to be designed by the Finance Committee – Richard, Pat, Sue and Charlotte – motion will be placed in front of the executive’s meeting tomorrow
Motion that Richard-Rice – Discretionary – what is considered discretionary i.e. mobilization, recruitment, better together, pre-authorized,
Add note to the Revenue and expenses for explanation of line 8 - Other
Cash flow statement – description of the line item – put down the meeting date – take out Vision Committee – RMG dinner should be referred to as team building
Not all Chapters are getting full funding due to outstanding issues such as no AGM held
Claim of meals through mother PIPSC – claim for all individuals at allowance $ should be made

Boundaries for chapters and definitions -
Look at placing the boundaries right on the website so individuals can easily see where they fit in
Parent body should be define the boundaries within the constitution
Pat has info on boundaries
Definitions are also noted by PIPSC National
Consistency – naming convention of PIPSC – Steve Hindle will check what the position should be -
Election Committee  
Bill Giggi and Richard Rice (Chair) are on the committee law
By laws
- to schedule meeting with Richard Rice to go over procedures of election process
- To post the election notice
Challenges is keeping members and recruiting new ones
Marketing plan strategy
Talk to members near retirement – wrote a document – place pdf on website, pamphlet and use as a marketing tool
Mission statement – does not exist for RMG

April 06 2017

1. Attended NS Chapter AGM-January 12-Halifax

2. January 29-February 03-Ottawa
Monday - January 30 – Met with Janet, Brigitte, Terry and Richard at PIPSC.
Tuesday – January 31 – 100th Anniversary meeting with Steve, Hindle, Laureen Allen, Terry Sing and Lucienne Bahuaud.    
Wednesday – February 1 – Toured NAFR HQ and met & chatted with staff,
Terry Sing and I met with Simon Coakeley, CEO of NAFR and Sayward Montague, Director, Advocacy about Bill C-27.
Thursday – February 2 – Attended an NCR chapter meeting.

3. Membership:
- Sent out the list of newly cancelled retirees to the REO’s for follow up.
- Notified REO’s of the availability of membership lists for their regions.

4. Bill C-27


E-Petitions have been created, MP’s have been  contacted by a letter writing campaign, phone calls & in person by PIPSC, CURC, CLC, NAFR to name a few. It appears this has had an effect as the Bill has been postponed until May.
 Not withdrawn but postponed. We will keep up the pressure until it is officially withdrawn.
If you have not yet written your MP, Minister of Finance or signed the petition please do so. See the following links for more information and action you can take.

5. Phoenix Pay System

Fix Phoenix

Although there are fewer employee affected, it is still not fixed. We are now into the 2nd year of this boondoggle. Employees are being hurt. Many have gone into debt. Some have had to quit their jobs. Some new retirees are not getting their pensions, some who are due for retirement are not retiring because they may have trouble getting their pensions because ROE forms may not be accurate.
This is not just a problem for employees. For instance the unions, including PIPSC have not been receiving dues from the Employer due to this fiasco. This could have serious repercussions on the budget and operation of the unions.

50,000 public servant tax slips had to be reissued due to Phoenix pay problems.
The two MP’s who were in charge of the initial implementation were Rona Ambrose and Mr. Gazebo man –Tony Clement. This is another fallout of contracting out.

6. Bargaining- has been slow and painful. However more and more groups have tentative agreements including the AV, SP, CS, SH and SP Groups. At time of writing the AFS group was still in bargaining.
 Thank you to all the members of the bargaining teams.

7. Atlantic Regional Council (ARC) –May 26-27 in Charlottetown
I will be attending as a delegate

Atlantic Region

8. New Chapters –
St. John’s Chapter - There is possible interest in the formation of a chapter in
St. John’s.

This is the result of a conversation I had with Brian McPhee a retired member from
St. John’s at last year’s ARC in Halifax.  He recently contacted me and is attempting to drum up interest in forming a chapter.
Calgary Chapter– Charlotte has been in contact with Bonnie Pratt former Prairies/NWT Director and there are plans to establish a chapter in Calgary.

9. Social Media – Our Face Book group is becoming more active as more and more new Retirees join as they are more familiar with Social Media. There is a lot of information on the various PIPSC Social Media sites.
Much is posted on Social Media before it is on the PIPSC Website.

10.  PIPSC 100th Anniversary- February 6, 2020


The Board has approved funding for the 100th Anniversary.
The anniversary will be officially launched at the 2019 AGM and will run for a year until the 2020 AGM.
The following members have an agreed to be 100th Anniversary Champions.
Jean-Pierre Morency (RMG, QC Chapter), Ole Jacobsen (retired member, Calgary),
Marion MacEachern (Life Member, NB), Carolyn Hynes (St. John’s, NL, Atlantic Region Executive)
Nazim Awan (Yellowknife, NWT, for Prairie/NWT Region), Rob Macdonald (BC/Yukon Director)
Greg Scriver (NCR Director)

11. 20th Anniversary of RMG -The RMG was established at the 2000 PIPSC AGM and therefore the RMG will be 20 at the 2020 PIPSC AGM.

In solidarity
Patrick Kinnear,


QUEBEC REGIONAL REPORT (RMG National Executive Meeting /06 April 2017) ELIE  AHAD

Attended on 09 Jan 2017 the Executive Meeting of the RMG Quebec Chapter. Yvon Brodeur (Director, Quebec Region) was also present at this meeting; the main topics discussed were:
In light of Bill C-27, the follow-up of the joint committee (PIPSC- Guild) on Social Benefits.
The different Union (PIPSC, PSAC) approaches to counter Bill C-27: to phone or send a letter to Minister Bill Morneau or sign the e-695 Petition.
The increase and indexation of the Supplementary Death Benefit.
The increase of PIPSC Dues and its effect on Membership.
Comparative analysis of Travel Insurance offered by PIPSC (MRM) and NAFR (MEDOC).
The participation of the Quebec Chapter in the scheduled meetings for 2017 of the ''Consultation Table of Quebec Seniors''   .
Attended on 30 Jan 2017 a conference  held at  the Valcartier Base  and organized by the Quebec City Branch ; the Guest speaker (Dr Sylvain Guimont) talked about mental health .

RMG - BC/Yukon Report – April 6th 2017

Susan E. Ramsay
BC / Yukon Region

The follow is the report for BC/Yukon Region from December 2016 to April 2017.

The time between the December report and now has been a little busier with the Chapters gearing up for 2017.  

On March 23rd the Director from BC/Yukon met with me and the Presidents of the RMG Chapters to talk about ways to increase interest in the RMG in this Region.  This has become an annual meeting.  The Presidents of the BC/Yukon RMG Chapters along with the BC/Yukon Director are going to do a survey of the retired members in this region with the hopes of increasing membership as well as reasons for not continuing membership in PIPSC.

On March 8th, 2017 Fraser Valley Chapter held their AGM where an election was held and the Executive was renewed.  The Chapter is working on an activity to try and increase interest in the Chapter.  

On February 22nd the Vancouver Island Chapter held its 2016 AGM.  There was an election held and new Executive took office.  The new Executive is working on the 2017 AGM.  

The Vancouver Chapter is working on its 2017 AGM to be held in May.

In solidarity,
Michael Seiden
REO of the Ontario Region

At our February 3, 2017 GTA Executive meeting, we welcomed Fred Conway, new Member-at-Large.  

We also discussed:

  • Health Accord – Federal transfer payments marginally increased by Trudeau from Harper's proposed thresholds
  • Insufficient health claim benefits under PSHCP
  • Implications to retirees of the carbon tax proposal
  • Bill C-27 – conversion of Defined Benefit Plans to Target Pension Plans.  
  • 2017 GTA Chapter AGM - Tentative date of September 12, 2017
  • Possible speaker to address the Bill C-27 issue at our next Chapter AGM.  I personally have and I am sure that other GTA Executives/members have written to their MP to voice opposition to Bill C-27.
  • 2017 base funding received to date plus our intention to request additional mobilization funding
  • Our intention to recruit new members from the lists received from Ottawa.

At the last GTA Chapter AGM of September 22, 2016, guest speaker Rosario Marchese, former MPP, discussed rising hydro rates in Ontario.  Most, if not all of our GTA members at the meeting submitted a pre-worded message of concern to Premier Kathleen Wynne.  We are pleased to report that our activism has made a difference.  The GTA Chapter was part and parcel of a ground-swell of complaints from Ontario residents concerned about sky-high hydro rates.  The result:  Premier Kathleen has recently removed the 8% retail sales tax from hydro billings and has more recently proposed a 25% decrease in hydro billings across the board. Members of the GTA Executive will be attending the 2017 Greater Toronto Area Branch Annual General Meeting on March 29, 2017. We hope to get the message out Stop Bill C-27.

Prairie/N.W.T. Report
April, 2017
Submitted by Charlotte Strandlund

Since our last regular RMG Executive meeting, I have been busy in my Region.

I helped organize and attended the Regina Branch AGM that was held on March 16, 2017 at the Travelodge in Regina.  We had fifty members, including guests in attendance, which was a fantastic turnout for the meeting.  Stephane Aubry, VP PIPSC, was the guest speaker.  He spoke on the “Phoenix System”.  His presentation was very well received with lots of questions and answers f0llowing his presentation.

On March 22, 2017 I travelled to Edmonton for the Edmonton Chapter AGM meeting and on March 23, 2017 I held and information session with the Chapter Executive to update them on initiatives and ongoing business of the Guild.
The Chapter have completed their Chapter By-Laws. They were presented and approved at the AGM and will now be sent to the PIPSC By-Laws Committee for final approval and then to the Board of Directors for their stamp of approval.

They held Elections and have a full slated of officers on the Executive.
President Andre Lachapelle
Vice President Virendra Bhatmagar
Secretary/Treasurer Barry Wickware
Member Al Dunbar

Prairie/N.W.T. Regional Director Nancy McCune and PIPSC Vice President Shannon Bitman attended the meeting.
The Edmonton Chapter members are active and continue to look at various ways to increase their membership.



The Chapter Membership Officer, Charlotte Young, reported that the RMG membership stood at 2,700 members nationally as of January 31, and of these, 988 had not yet paid for their membership renewal.  Charlotte also reported that there were 1084 members in the NCR as of March 2017, and of these, 48 had not yet paid for their membership renewal.  The Institute subsequently sent them a reminder, just in case their failure to renew was an oversight.  Charlotte and the Chapter Executive continue to explore ways and means to improve the renewal rate in concert with the Institute's own outreach efforts at year end.


The Chapter's very popular seminar series rolled into the new year with a highly successful evening seminar held on March 22, 2017 at the PIPSC National Office.  The event was filled to capacity, and the topic was “Your Benefits". The key presenter, Dejan Toncic, PIPSC Benefits Specialist, reviewed the benefits that are available, and then held a lively question and answer period.  In addition, PIPSC NCR Director Greg Scriver, delivered a sidebar on the current campaign against Bill C-27.  Thanks to Richard Rice who provided his positive impression of the seminar along with the following photo.  

Left to right: Chapter VP Terry Sing, NCR Director Greg Scriver, NCR Chapter Seminar Committee Chair Mary Jane Kelleher, PIPSC Benefits Specialist Dean Toncic.
Left to right: Chapter VP Terry Sing, NCR Director Greg Scriver, NCR Chapter Seminar Committee Chair Mary Jane Kelleher, PIPSC Benefits Specialist Dean Toncic.

The Seminar Committee will continue to pilot seminars throughout 2017 in response to a recent sampling indicating very high member interest. To date, all sessions have been held at PIPSC headquarters (250 Tremblay Rd.) during evening hours or weekends. Complimentary refreshments, free parking and member networking opportunities are inherent features attracting our retired members to these excellent educational events. Most sessions are no longer than 3 hours duration.   A schedule of future seminars is being prepared and includes some repeat performances of our most popular topics which generated a waiting list. The next session (topic under review) is tentatively planned for May 2017.
Kudos to the Seminar Committee composed of Committee Chair Mary Jane Kelleher, Chapter VP Terry Sing, and Chapter Treasurer Al Shusterman. Upcoming sessions and registration instructions are posted on the chapter's seminar website at:


Cynthia Barrette Anderson, a member of the Chapter Executive, suggested a callout to our members and their families and friends to join the 2017 Walk for Alzheimer's on Saturday, May 13 at Tunney's Pasture (Ottawa).  This important and fun event, held annually, is sponsored by the Alzheimer Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County, which provides information and one-on-one support, holds monthly support groups, and education seminars, and promotes research to help individuals and families living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.  The chapter may consider Alzheimer as a topic for a future seminar.


The Chapter Executive will host its annual spring general meeting on April 25 at the Mandarin Restaurant (Hunt Club Road, Ottawa). Greg Scriver, keynote speaker will speak about Bill C-27, the PIPSC position on this controversial bill, and the Institute's joint efforts with other unions and organizations to ensure that our member’s pensions are protected.  Post-spring meeting, we will provide a more detailed report on the proceedings.


Bill C-27 is the hot topic these days, driving many unions and seniors organizations to march in unison to combat legislation introduced into the House of Commons by the Liberal government.  C-27 that has the potential to strip away the basic security of guaranteed "defined benefit pensions from workers and retirees in federal jurisdictions.  

Greg Scriver, who is also Chair of the NCR Executive, and RMG Treasurer Richard Rice, reported on their January 17, 2017 meeting with the Honorable Andrew Leslie and Parliamentary Assistant Shawn Kalbhenn to express our union's deep concerns about Bill C-27.   The discussion concluded with a commitment from Mr. Leslie to set up further meetings with the Finance Department (Minister Morneau) to bring forth PIPSC issues.  

As well, a higher level discussion between President Daviau and Minister Morneau is being explored.   While Greg noted that Bill C-27 does not directly affect our Public Service Pensions at this time, the writing is on the wall that 2-tier pension plans may well be in store for future public servants.

Many of Our RMG Executive and members are actively involved in information sessions and events featuring C-27.  For example RMG member Lucienne Bahuaud and others attended a March 1st  evening Open Town Hall Meeting and multi-union( CUPW, PSAC, CAPE, CUPE) Panel Discussion on C-27 at the Ottawa Public Library  sponsored by the Ottawa Committee for Pension Security and the Congress of Union Retirees of Canada (Ottawa Chapter).  
Terry Sing reported that he had also attended several events in recent months featuring C-27, including the February 7th CLC Conference where concerns about Bill C-27, as well as Bill C-4, and Pay Equity, among other topics, were discussed.   RMG member Paul Godin, who also attended the CLC Conference, provided a detailed account of his meetings with MPs where the main topic of conversation was Bill C-27.
Also on February 7th, PIPSC leaders, members and staff took part in the largest ever Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) Lobby Day event on Parliament Hill. Some 362 participants from 42 different public and private sector unions met with well over 165 Members of Parliament (MPs) and Ministers  to address three key issues of particular importance.  Participants voiced their opposition to Bill C-27, a Bill that threatens the retirement security of Canadians, stressed the need for timely and fair Pay Equity, and emphasized the urgent necessity of introducing a Pharmacare program.
On a parallel front, in partnership with sister unions and organizations, PIPSC provided post cards opposing Bill C-27 for PIPSC members to sign and mail to their respective MP.  This massive petition is progressing extremely well and raising awareness among our members and politicians. The next RMG newsletter, currently under preparation, will provide a more detailed account and update of the fervent activity surrounding C-27.


RMG and NCR Chapter representatives attended the Anniversary Committee's April 4, 2017 meeting at PIPSC Head Office.  In recent months, the Committee distributed a questionnaire to "old-timers", past members of PIPSC Boards, Constituent Bodies and Group Executives seeking input from their own recollection of PIPSC key issues, accomplishments, notable leadership roles, influential individuals and game-changers that impacted PIPSC directions and achievements over past decades.   This is just one of the many initiatives supporting the historical review and documentation of PIPSC past and present leading up to the 100th anniversary celebrations.


Terry Sing recently prepared and presented a paper to the Chapter Executive entitled: "Draft of RMG Achievements" or "What Have You Done For Me Lately", extolling the value of the RMG as an integral and proactive component of the PIPSC community.     It is a well thought out presentation that could be used to promote the RMG and to showcase the benefits it provides to PIPSC and its members.  Responding with rave reviews, the Chapter Executive endorsed Terry's draft, and considered next steps which could include developing an evergreen foldout pamphlet, that could ultimately be part of the PIPSC marketing repertoire.   


The Chapter's Spring Newsletter is currently being prepared and features the many aspects of the  looming Bill C-27,  an update on the status of employer-sponsored health and dental benefits, and  an inspiring profile of Debra Dunville, a long-time PIPSC volunteer and former PIPSC Board Director who was a key player of many Institute breakthroughs in past years.    

This report was prepared and submitted by Nita Saville on behalf of the RMG NCR REOs.  Sincere thanks to all for your valuable input.


DECEMBER 15, 2016 - APRIL 6, 2017

It has been a very busy time in the NCR. On behalf of the RMG, I have been attempting to increase & improve the image of the Guild. The good news is, I think we have made some inroads but the bad news is, it is still like trying to push sting uphill. Richard Rice’s idea to have new & improved marketing material inspired me to create something to use in the NCR which may have broader application. Attached is a copy of an article I called, “RETIRED MEMBERS GUILD or What Have You Done for me lately”. I have been distributing this article wherever I go in the NCR. My key focus since December has been on fighting Bill C-27.


TREADING WATER – the AV group has managed to avoid selecting any retired members to attend their AGM in June where they will be introducing bylaw amendments to limit the participation of retired members in their national executive. I think we should be there to protect our interests. I can drive out each day to attend however, we might have a better chance if I could stay over on the Friday night [room & food approximately $275 – FUNDING REQUIRED]

Fighting Bill C-27 is gaining momentum. I have become a member of the PENSION COALITION, which had been formed to protect federal pensions during the last election. The Coalition represents all the major organizations including, but not limited to: Canadian Labour Congress [CLC]; PIPSC; PSAC; National Association of Federal Retirees [NAFR]; etc., & now the RMG has been added. We have also joined with another smaller, but active NCR group called the ‘Ottawa Committee for Pension Security’. I have attended & spoke on C-27 at about 15 meetings. President Daviau & I met with Minister Catherine McKenna in a one-on-one where C-27 & Phoenix were the key topics. I was also able to challenge the MP from Gatineau at the Gatineau branch AGM, where I was also an RMG guest speaker. We participated in the CLC Member of Parliament lobby day. The RMG played a key role in getting PIPSC to create a PIPSC Member of Parliament [MP] postcard to mail to the members MP to kill Bill C-27. Paul Godin, whom you may remember, has been VERY active, & vocal, fighting C-27. C-27 will continue to be one of my key concerns until it is defeated.

ADVISORY COMMITTEE [AC] - As a part of outreach, I secured an opportunity to present the RMG at the February AC. I was able to dispel a few myths about the RMG & to highlight some of our activities. I ended my talk with a request to consider admitting the RMG to the AC table as a full voting & participating member. Interestingly, the AC Chair indicated that this would have to be done at the PIPSC AGM as a motion. This may be something we may want to consider putting forward at the 2017 PIPSC AGM. The resolution would have to be drafted soon to ensure inclusion in this years’ package.

‘RETIRED MEMBERS GUILD or What Have You Done for Me Lately’ – So far, this piece has received favorable reviews. It has made people much more aware that the RMG has been actively doing things that have benefited the general membership. This will be more nationally beneficial if we can add some of the successes of other regions. GOOD NEWS: the NCR Regional Council [RC] came to me & asked if we would like to include this article in their delegate package, as well, the Regional Council will have the article translated & give me some time at the RC to sing the praises of the RMG. The RMG may want to include this article in the next newsletter mail-out to all our retired members.

SEMINAR SERIES – On March 22, another ‘Benefits’ seminar was presented with roughly 50 people attending. The next seminar, called ‘Weed & Feed – Medical Marijuana’, is scheduled for May 17 [should be a winner, or am I hallucinating?].


100th ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE – the paper copy of the 50th Anniversary book called ‘Serving the State’ has been converted to an electronic copy with the attendant errors. Thanks to Sandra Clark, the electronic version has been completely edited [she deserves a RMG recognition award for her effort]; a researcher/writer will be hired soon; next meeting is April 4.

NAFR – Pension Coalition active on C-27; dedication of new building took place on March 29; RMG members involved in Ottawa Spring Members Meeting, RMG members developing/giving courses.

CITY OF OTTAWA – participation in: member of Seniors Roundtable; Seniors Transportation Issues committee; Seniors Housing concerns; U.N. Seniors Flag Day.

COUNCIL ON AGING – RMG facilitating the Health Literacy evaluation sessions; working on Age Friendly Ottawa cmte; attending general meetings.

OTHER PIPSC ACTIVITES – on several executives; took Mental Health First Aid course; spoke on RMG at several subgroups/branches; spoke at Basic Steward school; attended the Working Group on Consultation meeting.

This concludes my report