Quebec City Chapter


Date: December 4, 2023
Location: Restaurant Le Rascal


(Translated from French)

  1. Call to Order

After verification of the quorum, Yvon Brodeur, President of the Québec City Chapter of the Retired Members Guild (RMG), called the meeting to order at 11:40 a.m. He welcomed participants and 2 guests: Johanne Potvin, Quebec representative to the National Guild, and Micheline Lefrançois, Vice-President of the Quebec City Branch of the Federal Superannuates National Association (FSNA). A round table introduces the participants.


  1. Approval of Agenda

    The item “FSNA Presentation” is added to varia. The amended agenda was adopted.
  2. Approval of the December 1, 2022, AGM Minutes

    The minutes are adopted as presented.
  3. Matters Arising from the Minutes

    Under item 5, Mr Guy Abel sent a survey as agreed.
  4. President’s Report, from Mr. Yvon Brodeur.

    Mr. Brodeur was invited by the FSNA Quebec Branch to attend their Annual General Meeting. More than a hundred participants attended. The main topics were an update on the transfer to Canada Life and a superb presentation by Dr. Morin on deconditioning in the elderly. Mr. Brodeur looks forward to a fruitful collaboration between the 2 Quebec retiree groups.

The local branch sent the Institute an improved version of the letter sent to new Institute retirees, highlighting the benefits of Guild membership.


  1. Financial report from the treasurer (Réjean Michaud)

    Mr. Michaud presented the 2022 financial statements, the finances as at December 1, 2023 and a budget for 2024. Financial statements and budget accepted.
  2. Election (Mr. Réjean Michaud)

    Mr. Michaud, Elections Chairman, mentioned that there are 2 vacant director positions on the Quebec City local executive. Unfortunately, no one is interested in filling the positions. 
  3. News from the Retired Members Guild (Johanne Potvin)
    The National Guild held its AGM on October 17, 2023. Around fifty people took part in it.
  4. Report by the Québec City Branch Representative (Caroline Levasseur)
    The Branch held several activities over the past year: the holiday 5@7 at the Blaxton, the movie matinee at the Clap Loretteville, a meeting with sub-group presidents in Quebec City and its AGM 2023 at the Hôtel Québec.
  5. Lunch
    12:15 p.m.: Lunch break.
  6. Presentation on what to do in the event of death (Denis Arsenault)
    It’s very important to discuss with your loved ones the steps to take in the event of death, and to have a document with important information and telephone numbers (bank accounts, pension center, medical and dental insurance, pension board, Canada Revenue Agency, RRSPs, TFSAs, investments, electronic accounts (e-mail, Facebook, etc.)).



  1. Other Business and Miscellaneous
    1. Presentation on the National Association of Federal Retirees (NAFR)
      Micheline Lefrançois, Vice-President of the Quebec City chapter, presented the association’s mission, structure, history and advocacy priorities.
  2. Adjournment
    The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.