Charlottetown  SH Sub-Group
Inaugural Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes
March 19, 2024, 6:30pm


  1. Meeting was called to order.
  2. Welcome and Introductions: Selena, the SH Subgroup Officer from the SH executive, hosted the virtual meeting and welcomed the participants to the meeting. There were a total of 8 members in attendance virtually. Carolyn Hynes was a guest as well, as an experienced SH subgroup president. This is the first AGM of this subgroup so there was no past minutes to review, no new business arising from the previous meeting.
  3. Approval of Agenda. Moved and seconded. Carried.
  4. Report of the President: Not applicable
  5. Annual Financial Report: Not applicable.  The Charlottetown subgroup will be requesting their annual allotment once these minutes and the budget for 2024 is submitted.
  6. Update from SH Executive: A brief discussion was had on how to start a subgroup and typical activities held by a subgroup. Roles up for election include all positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Members at Large. Descriptions of the roles and related responsibilities (found in the by-laws) were read.
  7. Election of Officers: Process was run by Selena Glover
    Vice President
    Members At Large (4):    
  8. Round table: Nothing new to add.


Meeting Adjourned at 2030.