SH Laval/North Shore Sub-Group
November 11, 2019, 9:00 a.m.
Location: Le Chez Nous du Communautaire, 2500 Mascouche Blvd, Mascouche, QC, J7K 0H5
Attendance (see attached sheet)
Eric Massey, President
Donald Moisan, Vice-President
Isabelle Mercier, Secretary
Maryse Danger, Treasurer
Karine O’Connor, Member-at-Large
Fabienne Girard
Yvan Tourville
Marilyn Plourde
Valérie Tremblay
Carolanne Bilodeau
Alexandrine Chevrel
Paul-Étienne Paradis
Nathalie Dusault
Florcy Lavaud
Julie Emond
Cindy Cyr
Lucie Blouin
1. Call to Order
Moved by Isabelle Mercier
Seconded by Donald Moisan
Eric Massey, President, welcomed and thanked the participants for attending. He advised that the meeting should end before lunchtime.
2. Review & Approval of the Agenda
The agenda was approved as is.
Moved by Donald Moisan
Seconded by Maryse Danger
3. 2018 AGM Minutes Review and Approval
The minutes were approved as is.
Moved by Isabelle Mercier
Seconded by Karine O’Connor
4. Collective Agreement
Éric Massey gave an overview of the new Collective Agreement and the bargaining context.
5. Union-Management Consultation
Isabelle Mercier summarized the main topics that are discussed in the Union-management consultations at the local, regional and national levels.
6. Constitution and By-Laws
The Constitution and By-Laws were presented to the members. There were no amendments. Carried as is.
Moved by Florcy Lavaud
Seconded by Julie Emond
7. Election for the position of Treasurer
Eric Massey asked AGM participants if any of them was interested in the position. No one volunteered. Éric Massey proposed Valérie Dupuis who would have expressed interest but could not be present today. She is elected by acclamation.
Moved by Valérie Tremblay
Seconded by Alexandrine Chevrel
8. Budget
Maryse Danger presented the budget for the Sub-Group. The fiscal year ends on December 31. See attached document.
9. Miscellaneous
Members shared some of their concerns. The following issues were discussed informally:
-PIPSC to raise awareness about homelessness;
-Incidents compromising the safety of our members;
-Policy grievances versus Individual grievances;
-NJC Travel Policy;
-PIPSC’s 100th Anniversary and distribution of calendars and posters;
-Resurgence of disciplinary processes within CSC.
10. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Moved by Donald Moisan
Seconded by Karine O’Connor
**Door prizes (PIPSC promotional items) were given to all participants**