Montréal/Rive-Nord SH-CSC Sub-Group Meeting
2019-06-19 at 6:30 p.m.
Staff College, Laval
In attendance
Éric Massey, President
Isabelle Mercier, Secretary
Karine O’Connor, Member-at-Large
Martin Poisson, Member-at-Large
Geneviève Gilisen, guest, pharmacist
Maryse Danger, Treasurer
Donald Moisan, Vice-President
Louis Poulin, Member-at-Large
Richard Doyle, Member-at-Large
Sophie Tanguay Veilleux
1. Opening remarks
Eric welcomed the members of the Sub-Group and our guest. He informed us that Maryse Danger will not continue her job as Treasurer beyond the next AGM.
2. Review and approval of the agenda
Moved by Karine O'Connor, seconded by Martin Poisson. Adopted unanimously as read.
3. Reading and approval of the minutes of the 2019-05-22 meeting
Moved by Karine O'Connor, seconded by Martin Poisson. Adopted unanimously as read.
4. Business arising from the minutes
Activities since the last meeting (follow-up of the various mandates)
- By-Laws and Regulations: Deferred to the next meeting.
The time frames for the grievance process are going to be looked at. We are waiting for Richard’s return via Valérie Charrette for the regional consultation discussion. Éric Massey said that PIPSC’s President recommends that grievances be filed for Phoenix situations in order to leave a record so that you can be compensated when future agreements are reached on this matter.
Rand members. Deferred.
A tour of the institutions is planned to present the tentative agreement with Treasury Board – Éric Massey, Pierre Potvin (representative for the DND sites) and Isabelle Mercier (consultation). However, we are running into problems with holding our meetings on the employer’s premises.
5- Consultation / Bilateral Meetings: current projects
Isabelle Mercier gave a summary of the issues currently being discussed at the regional consultation table.
Ms. Gilisen shared the issues affecting the regional pharmacy (continuing education, workload, vacation replacements).
6. Negotiations: progress report
Eric gave a presentation on the tentative agreement.
7. Communications
We need to take a look at the current approach to getting the employees’ personal email addresses and what the employer expects when it comes to using CSC emails.
8. Recruitment
Karine O'Connor and Mélanie Guénette applied to become Stewards.
9. Visibility
9.1 For the Sub-Group: Shirts. Discussion deferred.
9.2 For members: Procedures to come.
10. Budget
Unchanged since the last presentation.
9. Other business
No other business.
10. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Moved by Isabelle Mercier, seconded by Éric Massey.
Upcoming meetings for the Sub-Group
The AGM will be held on November 11 at 9 a.m. at the Staff College.
The schedule of meetings following the AGM will be made once the AGM has been held. The schedule will depend on the availability of the Executive.
Certified true copy:
___Eric Massey_________________________
Éric Massey, President