
SH DND Sub-Group, Quebec Region

AGM Minutes

  1. Opening Remarks: 
  • The sub-group chair introduced herself and welcomed everyone. She informed members that the agenda and by-laws are available in conversation. She introduced the members of the current executive and our guest, thanking him for accepting our invitation following the absence of Mr. Dhabi Skali.
  1. In attendance: Josée Girard, Sonia Richard, Anne Leblond, Pierre Roberge, Julie Tremblay, Eric Massey (guest).

Regret: Hassan Dhabi Skali (guest)

    1. Review and approval of the agenda: Moved by Ms. Julie Tremblay, seconded by Ms. Leslie Sigaran. The chair will send a reminder to the Institute to ensure that the sub-group’s website is updated with the new by-laws and registration of executive members.
    1. Reading and approval of the SH Sub-Group By-Laws Proposed by Ms. Anne Leblond, seconded by Ms. Sonia Richard.
    1. Election of Sub-Group Executive members: The positions up for election are President (two-year term), Secretary (vacant in Bagotville or Valcartier) (two-year term) and Director (Bagotville or Valcartier, depending on the secretary’s position) (two-year term).
  • Nomination of the President: Mr. Eric Massey verified who is interested in the position.

Ms. Julie Tremblay nominated Ms. Josée Girard, seconded by Ms. Sonia Richard.  Ms. Josée Girard is elected by acclamation for a two-year term.

  • Nomination of the Secretary: Mr. Eric Massey verified who is interested in the position.

Ms. Sonia Richard proposed her candidacy, seconded by Mrs. Julie Tremblay.   Ms. Sonia Richard is acclaimed for a two-year term.

  • Nomination of Director St-Jean / Mtl : Mr. Eric Massey verified who is interested in the position.

Ms. Mélanie Doucet proposed her candidacy, seconded by Ms. Sonia Richard. 

Ms. Mélanie Doucet was acclaimed to the position of Director for a two-year term. 

  • To the position of Director (Valcartier): Mr. Eric Massey verified who is interested in the position.

Gilles Poirier proposed his candidacy, seconded by Pierre Roberge. 

Mr. Gilles Poirier was acclaimed to the position of Director for a two-year term. 

               Congratulations to the nominees and thank you for your involvement.

    1. Treasurer’s Remarks: Ms. Leblond was unable to give an exact figure for the amounts available in the sub-group’s bank accounts. She is still waiting for the Institute’s finance department to confirm her access. She will update when it’s all finalized, and this will include the 4 gift cards from the draw. She confirmed receipt of a $500 donation from our SH group to be used for our members.
    2. A word from our guest, Mr. Eric Massey.
  • Back to the collective agreement: translation issues have caused a delay. An electronic signature will be issued shortly. It is impossible to say exactly when the amounts will be sent to members;
  • If we have a grievance, it’s important to notify our steward and send him or her our file, as this helps in discussions with management;
  • If refusal (e.g., leave): have something in writing (it helps);
  • Pension fund: unchanged, indexed to the cost of living;
  • Sick leave vs. family obligations: the employer is not required to know the reason; an employee can take two days in a row without a problem; if the employer refuses: have something in writing and check with a union steward;
  • Don’t hesitate to read and research collective bargaining agreements (see the collective agreement which takes precedence over the French version);
  • If the employer requires a medical certificate: the employer must pay for it;
  • Medical appointments (e.g., annual visit to the doctor, annual with dentists, mammo screening, colonoscopy, visual, …), the employer allows time for these types of leave (698) but not with medical follow-up which requires sick leave;
  • Training is available via the JLP to help you understand the collective agreement. Further information is also available on the National Joint Council website;
    1. President’s report:

The President invited members to get more involved in their union. Their support is essential if we are to address issues at a higher level and hope for significant change. She reminded them that, as union members, they have a responsibility to keep themselves informed by consulting the PIPSC website, the various media and sites such as their section’s Facebook, the Quebec Region’s Facebook and our sub-group’s Facebook. The links were shared in the TEAMS chat room, and a presentation of the PIPSC website was made to help unfamiliar members find their way around.

    1. Miscellaneous:
  • The draw for door prizes - 4 $50 gift cards to Renaud Bray - will be held after the AGM. Winners will be contacted and their names posted on the subgroup’s Facebook page.   Members are invited to register their names in the presentation discussion forum.  The winners will be announced shortly.
    1. Adjournment: Josée Girard thanked the assembly for their participation and asks for the adjournment of the Annual General Meeting of the Quebec Region DND HS Sub-Group. Moved by Julie Tremblay and seconded by Sonia Richard.