PSPC National Consultation Newsletter for PIPSC

The following newsletter is an update on the activities related to Consultation within Public Services & Procurement Canada (PSPC).   PIPSC members are very fortunate to have an employer who is interested and open to consultation as defined in your Collective Agreements.  In many areas, we have consultation teams made up of PIPSC Stewards, working at the Local, Regional and National levels.  National Consultation is further broken down by Branches, including the Real Property Branch, Science & Parliamentary Infrastructure Branch and the Digital Services Branch.  In most cases, our consultation occurs in the spirit of openness and transparency with representatives from PIPSC working together with members of the PSAC (GSU), CAPE and ACFO to present concerns to senior management about our work places and work activities.

This introductory Newsletter highlights the various activities that the Consultation Teams are working for on your behalf while encouraging further engagement from our members on this worthwhile activity.  Consultation is not about arguing with management about decisions or changes that we may not agree with; rather, it is about presenting an employee’s perspective on change and impacts that the change may have on our members.  In most cases, management appreciate our input as it can minimize negative effects on staff that could otherwise be avoided. Stay tuned for a future article in “In the Know” about management’s perception of Consultation activities.

Although this Newsletter is about National Consultation, please let us know if your Group or Region needs assistance with Consultation and we will try to help facilitate such meetings in your area.

Over the past year, we have had the following National Consultation meetings:

National Labour Management Consultation Committee (NLMCC)  Dec 4/18

The following issues were addressed at the meeting with resulting actions noted in brackets.

  • Addressing prevention of harassment (Team to be set up fall of 2019)
  • Recommended a National Committee on Professional Development (Committee meeting since January 2019 to address Professional Development with links to Career Development)
  • Recommended a National Committee on Performance Management (Statistics provided on management training with further discussions and meetings anticipated in fall of 2019.)

Real Property Branch National Consultation (April 10/19)

The following issues were addressed at that meeting with resulting actions noted in brackets.

  • Management presentation of the proposed District Energy System for the NCR.
  • PIPSC identified concerns about ABW for PSPC staff.
  • PIPSC identified concerns for other Departments adoption of ABW.
  • Recommended further consultation around ABW and WRI (follow-up ½ day session set for June 18/19)

Dedicated Consultation on Workplace Renewal Initiative WRI (or ABW) (June 18/19)

The following issues were addressed at that meeting with resulting actions noted in brackets.

  • Identified concerns that some PIPSC members have with WRI.  Highlight specific concerns you may have with your Consultation team members or PIPSC. (refer to PIPSC web site link below)
  • GC Co-Working concept discussed.

National Labour Management Consultation Committee (NLMCC) (July 3/19)

The following issues were addressed at that meeting with resulting actions noted in brackets.

  • First introduction to the Departments proposed Integrated Business Planning process which will be rolled out in April 2020.
  • Overview provided on the new Client Contact Center for Phoenix
  • Concern expressed about the increased use of non-advertised staffing without an explanation for impacted staff. (Management will consider advance notice of reasons for such staffing.)
  • Ongoing discussions of WRI and impacts on some groups within PSPC.  (Significant changes and impacts are anticipated this summer in the NCR as a result of the WRI related moves.)

Digital Services Branch (May 2019)

Members of the Digital Services Branch met to establish an Information Technology, Project and Portfolio Management Tool (see link below). 

Upcoming National Consultation Sessions.

Science & Parliamentary Infrastructure Branch (SPIB) (date TBD)

An initial consultation meeting for the newly formed Science and Parliamentary Prescient Branch is being planned for the summer of 2019.

National Labour Management Consultation Committee (NLMCC) (date to be determined in Nov /19)

Links of Interest

Concerns raised by PIPSC regarding the implementation of ABW and Workplace Renewal Initiative to the following link on the PIPSC Website

PSPC’s First Mental Health Survey Results


Information Technology, Project and Portfolio Management Tool.     

Phoenix Damages Agreement with the Treasury Board Finalized