“Do’s” and “Don’ts” in the Grievance Process

When navigating the grievance process, please do:

  1. Keep (or obtain) a copy of the grievance and any grievance transmittal forms. Make sure these copies are signed and dated by management; this confirms receipt of the grievance and transmittals.
  2. Monitor the timeline for submitting a grievance and transmitting it to the next level!
  3. Consult your PIPSC Employment Relations Officer (ERO) or Regional Representative for advice and support if you have questions or concerns about a file.
  4. Take good notes of meetings (with the grievor, with management, with human resources), and keep a copy of your notes in the file.
  5. Follow up with a confirming email after important verbal discussions, summarizing the key points of the discussion and all parties’ commitments and ‘action items’.
  6. Consider how the issues at the heart of a grievance could be creatively resolved. Depending on the member’s interests, it may be possible to negotiate a settlement of the grievance with the employer. Alternative Dispute Resolution or Informal Conflict Management can be useful tools for resolving workplace conflict, particularly interpersonal difficulties.
  7. Obtain written confirmation of all extensions of time limits and all abeyances.

When navigating the grievance process, please do not:

  1. Allow inaction to cause a default in compliance with time limits!
  2. Make arrangements which violate the Collective Agreement or infringe upon employee or other rights.
  3. Commit PIPSC to action or a position beyond your limits, responsibility, or comfort level.
  4. Hesitate to contact more experienced stewards or your ERO if you desire advice our guidance with respect to a file.