Phoenix Pay Issues - Student FAQs

  1. I haven’t been paid since I started. What should I do?
    • We trust you have initiated steps to attempt to resolve this matter, but if not, you should first check if your department is served by the Pay Centre. If it is, ask your manager if all the necessary paperwork has been sent to the Pay Centre (letter of offer, the employee questionnaire, a completed and signed oath, income tax forms, and a completed Direct Deposit enrolment form). You can request “priority pay” from your Department (see Priority Schedule for Resolving Employee Pay Issues). You can also request an Emergency Salary Advance. Your case will be escalated if you have not received your regular pay within 21 days from the first or last day of work (see Service Standards, Pay Centre Escalation Process).
  2. I submitted a Pay Action Request, now what?
    • You should have received a confirmation number after submitting a PAR. If your pay issue has not been resolved, we suggest contacting us to work with the Client Satisfaction Bureau on your behalf. Please see contact information below.
  3. What recourse do I have?
    • Most students are not in a unionized position, but some are. This is sometimes indicated in your letter of offer of employment. If you are, contact your union steward to discuss options. If you are not, PIPSC is readily available as a resource to help you with pay-related concerns. Please see contact information below.

For further assistance, contact Catherine Wright, Labour Relations Associate, by email at:, or phone: 613-228-6310 x 4742.

Sample Language

Below are examples of language that could be used for submitting written requests to your direct manager regarding pay issues.

No Pay

Dear ,
I was not paid for the period of (DATES). I have contacted the Pay Centre and have been unsuccessful in attempting to have the matter corrected in a timely manner. This situation is causing me financial problems and stress. I request that my case be referred to the Pay Centre with Priority 1 status, and that the Employer immediately correct my pay system issue.

Incorrect / Incomplete Pay

Dear ,
My pay of (DATE) was not properly calculated and the amount deposited in my bank account was inaccurate. I have contacted the Pay Centre and have been unsuccessful in attempting to have the matter corrected in a timely manner. This situation is causing me financial problems and stress. I request that the Employer immediately correct my pay system issue.

Seeking Reimbursement for Incurred Costs and/or Lost Interest:

If you have incurred costs as a result of your pay being delayed or withheld, we suggest writing your direct manager to request reimbursement of these costs. Below is an example of such a request:

Dear ,

I was (NOT PAID and/or MY PAY WAS INCORRECT) for the period of (DATES). I have contacted the Pay Centre and have been unsuccessful in attempting to have the matter corrected in a timely manner. This situation is causing me financial problems and stress.

Specifically, I have incurred undue costs of $____ to (DATE) by way of interest on (LOAN / LINE OF CREDIT / CREDIT CARD / ETC.) payments, which otherwise would have been mitigated by the timely disbursement of my pay. I have also lost interest on contributions to savings accounts which otherwise would have been made. I request that I be reimbursed for these costs and any future costs. I am prepared to provide evidence of these losses on a confidential basis.