PIPSC Members share the real consequences of Phoenix

The Phoenix pay system failure has left public servants under paid, over paid or not paid at all. The procurement process for a new pay system is underway, but PIPSC members continue to deal with serious personal consequences.

Christine Kleindienst
Correctional Service Canada - Mission, BC

In April 2016, Christine was not paid. This continued for months and today she has still not received a correct paycheque. As a single mother, she relied on emergency advances which replaced only 60% of her earnings and so was forced to borrow money from family members to keep afloat.

Christine says, “this has been the most stressful time of my life.... this has caused tremendous stress emotionally, financially, and mentally to thousands of people and needs to end.”

François Marceau Innovation
Science and Economic Development Canada – Gatineau, QC

For years François has taken five weeks unpaid leave to spend with his children who live hours away from his home. The Phoenix failure has meant that he was unable to take this leave in 2018 and very likely will be unable in 2019. François has lost precious time with his children.

Laura Makokis
Health Canada - Saddle Lake, AB

Laura has worked for Health Canada for 32 years. Two years ago her pay dropped without explanation. After submitting a complaint her pay stubs were retroactively corrected but she has not received any of the $12,000 owed to her. Laura says, “any time we would phone Phoenix we were told that someone would be in touch after they submitted the complaint. Not once did I receive any communications from Phoenix regarding their mistake or if I would receive compensation for my lost wages.”

Julien Fabienne
Correctional Service Canada - Lavaltrie, QC

While on eight months of medical leave without pay, Julien continued to receive his full paycheque as a result of a Phoenix error. His record of employment was not issued and so he was unable to access Employment Insurance or his health benefits, after 30 months he has still not received these benefits. Despite having completed all of the appropriate paperwork, hours of time during his medical leave were spent on the phone in an effort to correct the issue.

For Julien, “the energy expended, the anxiety generated, the overwhelming feeling of frustration and helplessness, and the feeling of not being recognized by our employer during all the procedures that have been going on for 30 months now is nonsense and also generates strong feelings of anger, insecurity, abandonment, discouragement and disinvestment.”