Uncertainty high as retro pay arrives

Earlier this year, PIPSC asked 27,878 membersNote [1]  to tell us if the Phoenix pay system has successfully paid out their retro pay.

The preliminary results of the survey reveal that more than 9% of members, as of February 2018, were still waiting to receive their retro pay which is in direct violation of the collective agreement.

Only 1 in 5 of survey respondents reported that they received the correct retro payment. There is a clear lack of trust and certainty about the amounts they have received. 

Note [2]

Retro Pay Survey ResultsNote [1]

37% are unsure as to whether the retro pay is correct and over a quarter (28%) believe they have been underpaid.

Over 67% of members can't be certain that their retro pay is correct.

Note [3]

Retro Pay Survey Results

It's clear, Phoenix can't be trusted to pay our members correctly and certainly can't be trusted to pay out the retro pay our members are entitled to under contract. It's time for a new system that works. It's time to rebuild the trust that has been broken by Phoenix.

Take action by today to Nix Phoenix, visit: https://action.pipsc.ca/nixphoenix to send an email to the Working Group on Phoenix.


Note [1] Members surveyed were in the following groups:  AV, CS, RE, SH, SP.

Note 2]  Have you received your retro pay?
Yes = 20.67%                                   
No = 9.32%
Don't know/Prefer not to answer = 2.94%
Yes, but I do not know if it is correct = 37.21%
Yes, but I believe I've been underpaid = 28.45%
Yes, but I believe I've been overpaid = 1.41%

Note [3] Yes = 21%
No = 9%
Yes, but I believe I've been underpaid, overpaid or don't know if it is correct = 67%
Don't know/prefer not to answer = 3%