Annual General Meeting

May 18, 2022

Clarion Hotel, 1445 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg MB


1. Introduction of the Members of the Branch Executive

The meeting was called to order at 17:15 by President, Cory Graham

Cory Graham introduced the current Branch Executive Officers and members at large and thanked them for their contributions



President                Cory Graham

Vice President         Terri Gobeil

Secretary                Kevin Jacobs (couldn’t attend)

Treasurer                Jason Caners


Members at Large

Christine Freeman

Pam Kubicz

David Hakes

Donna Johnston

Mohammad Khakbazan

Brent Maine

Pramesh Selliah


2. Introduction of Guests

Cory Graham introduced Samah Henein, Director of the Prairie/ NWT region and thanked her for attending the AGM.


3. Land Acknowledgement

Terri Gobeil performed the Land Acknowledgment


4. Approval of the Agenda

Approval of agenda as amended

Moved Christine Freeman,

Seconded Pam Kubicz

Motion Carried


5. Adoption of the 2020 AGM Minutes

Moved by Pramesh Selliah

Seconded by Terri Gobeil

Motion carried


6. Business Arising from the Minutes

There was no business arising from the Minutes


7. Report of the President

Cory Graham thanked the executive and past members. Cory provided an update on branch activities the past year: steward appreciation event, member open house, tree planting, and the scavenger/Manitoba land marks hunt. Cory also noted the Donation to Manitoba Harvest, attending APTN event and in person activities been planned for this year and asked input from members.  She talked about a Steward appreciation function that was in the planning stage. Cory also asked members to get involved and be active in the union and support the union.

Cory also thanked the Hotel for the service and food, Donna for arranging the event and Terry for welcoming members for the event.


8. Annual Financial Report

     a) Approval of 2020 Branch Financial Statements

Jason provided a thorough review and explanation of the larger individual line items in the financial statements and answered any questions posed to him

Jason Caners moved the acceptance of the 2020 Financial Statements

Seconded by Chris Freeman



     b) 2021 Branch Financial Statements

Jason Caners moved the acceptance of the 2021 Financial Statements

Seconded by Terri Gobeil

Motion Carried


     c) Approval of the 2022 Branch Budget

Jason explained where the Budget numbers came from and answered any questions

Jason Caners moved the approval of 2022 Branch Budget

Seconded by David Hakes

Motion Carried


9. New Business

As there was no new business, Samah Henein, in her role as the new Regional Director, introduced herself and gave the members her background. She provided remarks including an update on PIPSC activities both nationally and in the Region including all PIPSC meetings and travel. Samah provided updates on topics including the PIPSC AGM, Phoenix, outsourcing, bargaining, returning to work policy and growing the union and how COVID exposed the need of equity and safe workplace and better pay which she has personally observed in her role as a new director. She also introduced Lynn Olsen, the new SH Group president, who also gave a brief introduction to herself.


10. Election of Branch Members-at-Large

     a) Six two year terms


Jason Caners

Kevin Jacobs

Donna Johnston

Mohammad Khakbazan

Brent Maine

Pramesh Selliah


11. Report of the Elections Committee

Pam Kubicz, Elections Chair, announced that, as there were 6 candidates for 6 two year terms, there was no need for an election and the candidates were acclaimed.

Acclaimed Candidates:

Jason Caners

Kevin Jacobs

Donna Johnston

Mohammad Khakbazan

Brent Maine

Pramesh Selliah


Pam Kubicz moved that the Election Report be approved

Seconded by Chris Freeman

   Motion carried


12. Door Prizes

Door prizes were handed out to all the members in attendance


13. Adjournment

Jason Caners moved that the meeting be adjourned at 18:15

Seconded by Terri Gobeil

Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned.