Kingston Branch Executive Meeting #1 - 2024-04-17

Attendance: Gary Desbiens, Cindy Gagnon, Dan Guthrie, Troy Saunders-Cartier, Leasha Fuller, Sam Bilton, Janet Roloson, Dan St. Aubin, Jennifer van de Ven, & Robert Hammer

Regrets: Ryan Devlin


  • Meeting called to Order at 1713 by Gary Desbiens (President).

1. Reviewed Finances.

2. Who is up for election at AGM:

  • Treasurer (Leasha Fuller), Vice President (Cindy Gagnon), Member at Large (Dan Guthrie)

3. List of tasks for AGM:

    • Arrive 30 minutes ahead of time (4:30 pm): Rob, Troy, Sam, Leasha, Dan
    • Need a projector: Leasha will look into with the venue.
    • Someone will need to bring their laptop: Cindy Gagnon
    • Sign in sheet: Gary Desbiens
    • Swag sign off sheet: Gary Desbiens
    • Pens from PIPSC: Gary Desbiens
    • Presenter: President of PIPSC (Jennifer Carr) was supposed to be a guest speaker. Replacement speaker Eva Henshaw (Interim President of PIPSC; was Vice President of PIPSC); President of SH Group (Lynn Ohlson) – Eric Massée (Bargaining President & VP of SH Group) will come in Lynn’s place if she cannot make it
  1. AGM date: Wednesday May 15, 2024, 5:30 pm.
    • Venue: The Renaissance, 285 Queen Street, Kingston, ON
    • Deadline for registration is May 10, 2024
  2. Updates from Ontario Regional Council
    • On IT side, CA was ratified
    • Training budget ($X.XX per year) starts April 1st, 2024
    • There is a council for who decides how they are going to spend the money for the first year.
    • 3,000 grievances were squashed in order to sign the CA
    • Bylaw or policy changes, just minor changes to wording
    • Discussed holiday for life insurance premiums to be discussed further
    • SH negotiations are still ongoing
  • Meeting adjourned at 1743 hrs.