Apply to the PIPSC Member Facilitator Program

Members are invited to apply for the PIPSC Member Facilitator Training Program. This exciting new program gives members (with or without facilitation skills) a chance to become a Member Facilitator.

Accepted applicants will have the opportunity to receive hands-on training to learn to deliver workshops using a popular education approach.

Participating in the program will help you:

  • Strengthen our union
  • Connect with other activists
  • Develop and enhance your communication and facilitation skills
  • Support member education

Training for successful applicants will be held from Monday, September 16 to Friday, September 20 in Ottawa. The training will be held in English.

The application process takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Application forms are due Sunday, July 14 at 11:59pm ET

Your responses are strictly confidential. Your information will only be seen by the PIPSC Training, Education and Mentoring (TEAM) Committee and the PIPSC Education Staff.

Please note that applying does not guarantee acceptance into the program, given the limited number of available spots.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at


Member Facilitator Program 2024 Frequently Asked Question

What is the purpose of the Member Facilitator Program?

The purpose of the Member Facilitator Program is to enhance the skills and knowledge of members, enabling them to effectively facilitate peer-to-peer training sessions. This training aims to bridge existing training gaps, support the professional development of stewards and activists, and promote their long-term engagement within the union. 

What does a member facilitator do? What is their role? How will they interact with the community? 

A member facilitator is responsible for leading peer-to-peer trainings and fostering a collaborative learning environment within PIPSC.

Their role includes:

  • Facilitating training sessions: Conducting workshops, seminars, and training sessions to enhance the skills and knowledge of members.
  • Promoting engagement: Encouraging active participation and engagement from all members during training sessions.
  • Sharing best practices: Disseminating best practices and knowledge gained from their own experiences with others. 

In their interaction with the community, member facilitators will:

  • Build relationships: Establish strong, supportive relationships with members and stewards.
  • Foster a collaborative environment: Create an inclusive and collaborative environment where all members feel valued, heard, and empowered. 
  • Encourage continuous popular education learning: Promote a culture of continuous learning using a popular education approach. 

Overall, member facilitators play a crucial role in strengthening our union by providing essential training and support, fostering engagement, and promoting a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration in PIPSC.

What type of workshops will member facilitators be expected to co-facilitate?

Member facilitators will co-deliver training on topics such as leadership development, conflict resolution, anti-oppression, etc. They will not deliver training on topics related to labour relations.

*Note: PIPSC Employee Relations Officers (EROs) will continue to deliver labour-relations courses such as basic steward training, grievance handling, collective agreement interpretation, discipline, duty to accommodate, occupational health and safety, etc.

What are the expectations of a member facilitator once they complete the training? 

The Member Facilitator Program requires a 2-year commitment. 

Member facilitators are expected to co-facilitate one to two workshops a year based on their availability.

Will there be future member facilitator training offered?

Yes, the Training, Education, and Mentoring (TEAM) plan to offer an additional session of the Member Facilitator Training based on needs, with reassessment on an annual basis.

When will I know if I am going to participate in the Member Facilitator Program 2024?

We plan to notify participants of their acceptance into the Member Facilitator Program the week of August 12, 2024