2024 AGM Resolutions

Please note: 

The Resolutions Sub-Committee committee is responsible for reviewing all submitted resolutions, categorizing them, and prioritizing their order for discussion at the AGM (By-Law The Resolutions Sub-Committee reviews all submitted resolutions to ensure they are in proper form and within the scope of the AGM. The committee works with the AGM Task Force to propose the order in which resolutions will be presented at the AGM as part of the AGM agenda. Delegates at the AGM may have the opportunity to amend the order, though this is generally subject to rules and voting procedures. This process helps ensure that the most important and relevant resolutions are addressed in an efficient manner. More information regarding the Rules of Procedure for the AGM can be found here.

For the 2024 AGM, the order of priority of resolutions will be as follows: Board of Directors and Advisory Council resolutions first starting with financial resolutions, then bylaw amendments, then policy resolutions. The same order will be repeated for Group and Region resolutions which will be next.  Then the same order will be repeated again for individual resolutions. Only once all resolutions submitted within the timelines are disposed then late resolutions will be debated in the same order (finance, bylaws, policy).

Late resolutions