Greenwood  SH Sub-Group
Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes
April 3, 2024, 4:00pm
Oaken Barrel, Greenwood


  1. Meeting was called to order.
  2. Welcome and Introductions: Selena, the SH Subgroup Officer from the SH executive,  welcomed the participants to the meeting. There was a total of 5 members in attendance:

April Brown

Venessa Boudreau

Rhonda Gullage

Peter Walton

Matt Hand

This is the first AGM of this subgroup after a period of inactivity of 3 years, so there were no past minutes to review, no new business arising from the previous meeting.

  1. Approval of Agenda. Moved by April, and seconded by Matt. Carried.
  2. Report of the President: Not applicable
  3. Annual Financial Report:   The Greenwood subgroup has not submitted a Financial Report since 2021. The sub-group’s current account balance is $1202.89.
  4. Update from SH Executive: A brief discussion was had on how to start a subgroup and typical activities held by a subgroup. Roles up for election include all positions: President, Vice President, and Secretary/ Treasurer.  Descriptions of the roles and related responsibilities were read.
  5. Election of Officers: Process was run by Selena Glover
    President: April Brown
    Vice President:  Matt Hand
    Secretary/ Treasurer: Peter Walton


  1. New business:

i.                 Voting is SH Group Elections – Selena spoke on how the National elections were coming up for the SH Group, and that they would be receiving an email within a week or so.  The members were encouraged to read the Bios and to vote for the candidates of each profession.

ii.                Bargaining Update – Selena provided a Bargaining update to the sub-group.

iii.               Safety at DND Clinics – a discussion was had on the incident in Gagetown that invloved a targeted attack on an NP there, and current issues with safety in the Greenwood clinic.  Selena encouraged members to forward any examples of incidents to her for collation for DND consultation.

iv.               Group Swag – Selena briefly spoke on how the newly activated su-bgroup could use some of their allotment for PIPSC Swag, such as coffee mugs, to increase the visibility of PIPSC in the workplace.  They can contact SH Group for more information on how to procure items.


9.      Meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.