SH Charlottetown Subgroup Executive Meeting Minutes – January 14, 2025


January 14th 12:00pm – 12:30pm via MS Teams

Present: Leah Munro, Meghan Macdonald, Jennifer Bulman, Stephanie Brown, and Sherry Maclean 

Regrets: Becky Tozer Fergusson, Pam Condon

1. Welcome 

2. New Business:

a.) Collective Agreement update. We are in the 180 day window awaiting pay adjustments and retroactivity. 180 days began on November 12th, 2024. 


b.) Jennifer Bulman and Geraldine Doyle are no longer PIPSC NUEMA VAC Stewards. Leah thanked them for their time and contribution. 


c.) Discussion on next AGM. Hope to hold AGM in April or May. Possible locations and guest speaker discussed. Jennifer will make some calls and get information re: pricing. Secretary position and at least one member at large position will be open for interest at next AGM. 


d.) Social event discussed. Possible location and date. Considering summer or early fall. Meghan will contact Red Shores re: availability.


e.) Regularly scheduled meetings discussed. Our plan going forward will be to have an SH Executive meeting every 2 months. We also discussed having regularly scheduled AGM and social events around the same time each year. 


f.) Budget: Remaining in budget $XXXX


g.) Round Table

Meeting adjourned at 12:30pm